Page 55 of Lost Love

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“Well, she got hers…”

Pepper tilted her head, her gaze lowering to the floor.

“I’m being rude… I haven’t even offered you anything.”

She waved me away. “I’m fine.”

“Have you had dinner? I can order in—”

“Do you think that’s a good idea?” she interrupted as she twisted the ends of her curls.

Her gaze met mine, and the current in the room changed so much so it could spark a dormant fire.

I felt my Adam’s apple bob up and down in my throat. “Probably not,” I admitted, breaking the silence that stretched between us.

“You’ve got to eat,” I said, looking her up and down, wondering what lingerie she had on underneath that skirt.


“Food! You have to eat food,” I said in a stern, nonsexual tone that was hopefully enough to make her stay.

“I do.”

“Good.” I jumped up and grabbed my cell off the kitchen counter. “Nobu good for you?”

“Perfect,” she said, fidgeting with the hem of her skirt.

“Yes, Frankie, I’ll have the usual, plus a tuna tataki, lobster salad, and field greens.”

I hung up, fetched two glasses and my favorite bottle of pinot, feeling the weight of her stare on me.

In under twenty minutes, the food had arrived, and I was helping her open the food containers and dish them onto my fine chinaware for eating.

I watched her place a healthy mouthful of noodles in her mouth, licking the edges of her mouth from the remnants.

“Stop looking at me, Connor. You’re spoken for.”

“Sorry. It’s hard to forget that tongue and the magic you can do with it.”

She picked up the napkin and threw it at me. “Try,” she said, glaring at me.

I get it. She didn’t want to be the other woman, and I didn’t want her to be either.

It should be Francesca I was sharing a meal with, not Pepper. But I didn’t want to divulge this to Francesca.

“How did it go with Jake?”

She breathed in, and I watched her chest rise and fall.

“Well, it’s a work in progress.”

“Tell me everything,” I said, wanting to know what transpired between them and how I could help her not fall into the same trap again with him.

“Well, he took me out and tried to kiss me.”

My hands balled into a fist under the table. But I had no claim on Pepper.

“And,” I bit out.
