Page 4 of Throne of Wolves

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“Time to go home,” Xander said. “Or that’s my preference, anyway. I want to check in with my dad and let him know what’s been going on. And find a way to speak to the Alpha about the curse. About time he gave us some proper information.”

He looked at me, then at Michael. “Unless you guys think we should just keep running and hiding?”

Michael glanced at me, his eyes reflecting a storm of worry and indecision, but my opinion was pretty clear cut.

“I think we should go back to the pack. Try and sort out the curse for our people. But we need Michael with us, too. With his magic, he’s better placed than us to protect Monique if the high warlock comes for her, or for us.”

I raised my eyebrows at the warlock, daring him to disagree.

Michael sighed and nodded. “I agree with Kyle. I’ll come with you. And I’ll do my best to protect all of us.”

I stood up and grabbed the keys from the kitchen bench. “The sky’s clear. Let’s get going.”

We spent ten minutes packing food for the trip and taking some blankets and coats. Then we all piled into the truck and began the drive toward home.

God knows what we’ll find when we get there.

Chapter 2


I wasn’t sure if Kyle felt quite the same pull as me to get home, but I was anxious to get there and start on breaking the damn curse. We’d learnt so much about the curse that had plagued our pack for so long, and I wanted to share that information with my family. Especially my dad.

The drive was long, but we’d left relatively early and the three of us took turns, both with driving the car and sitting with Monique in the back. After the night before when she’d taken all three of us, I had to assume she was feeling a little exhausted in a physical sense.

None of us tried to do more than cuddle her, and steal a kiss or three.

I hadn’t thought I’d be so relaxed on the trip. After all, we had a bloodthirsty warlock likely after us. But having a large family around me was more comforting than I’d expected it to be. Wolves were pack animals, and in our town, each family was its own mini-pack, within the larger pack.

Before our trip, my family had been me and Kyle. And now that we’d found Monique and Michael had joined us, I had my own family. Though unconventional, we were still a family.

“How much longer?” Kyle called from the backseat, where it was currently his turn to hold our mate in his arms.

I’d seen a sign but not for a while, so I made a guess. “About an hour. Not long now.”

“I hope yours and Xander’s families like me,” Monique said, her voice small and feminine amongst the deeper sounds of Kyle, Michael and me.
