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“Why didn’t she love me?” he asked and PJ’s heart broke for him. He turned teary eyes to his sister who looked back at him, her expression blank. “Why, Lydia, why?”

Chapter 17

Gabe stayed by PJ’s side as they made their way to the police station. Ellis’s mom arrived shortly after and the attorney she had with her appeared to be more than competent.

The attorney had the officers put Ellis on suicide watch, and said his office was already initiating the motions needed to push to have Ellis moved to a secure mental health facility as soon as possible. The attorney wasn’t sure they’d win, but he was willing to try.

PJ was beside herself when the officers told them he’d be moved to the county jail within a few hours. There were statements to take and reports to write up and then, when the formalities were finished, he’d be transferred.

Even Gabe had a hard time thinking of Ellis in prison and he barely knew him. He truly hoped PJ was right that it wasn’t Ellis, and they’d be able to find a way to clear his name and get him released quickly.

Gabe also noticed the strange dynamic between Lydia and her mom. Her mother seemed to treat Lydia as if she were just another part of PJ’s team, rather than her daughter.

Lydia made sure the officers had Ellis’s insulin for his diabetes maintenance and released a statement to the press in a businesslike manner, but other than that, there didn’t appear to be any sisterly concern for Ellis at all. But, Pru had said Lydia was like that. Like a machine. He just hadn’t realized she meant it quite so literally.

By the time they returned to his suite and left Chad and Zach out in the living room watching over things, he knew Pru was completely wiped out. She’d have to do interviews in the morning to respond to the questions about why one of her team had been arrested, and to respond to all of the questions that would come now that the story about Matthew’s biological parentage had gone out.

Lydia had responded to a few of the reporters’ questions outside the police station, but there would be more to answer in the coming days.

Gabe left Pru sitting on the edge of his bed and stepped into the bathroom to draw her a hot bath. He added a squeeze of the bath gel his hotel supplied from their spa line of beauty products and tested the temperature with his hand.

When he went back to the bedroom to get PJ, she just watched him with wide eyes as he pulled her into the bathroom and stripped her clothes off. She was beautiful and soft and warm.

Part of him wanted nothing more than to wrap himself around her and bury himself to the hilt in her hot, sweet body, but it was obvious she didn’t need that right now. She looked positively wrecked.

All he wanted to do was take care of her. To take the stunned, beaten look off her face.

He held her hand as she sat down in the tub, but when he tried to draw away to get a washcloth, she didn’t let go of his hand.

“Come in with me,” she whispered. “Please?” she begged before he could say no—and he couldn't deny her. Hell, he didn’t want to. As much as he didn’t want to push her into anything, he couldn’t hold back any longer. Not when she looked at him like that. Like he was the only thing in the world she needed.

The water splashed and rose up to the top of the bath when he stepped in, but he pulled her around, settling her into his arms, nestled between his legs.

His cock was hard and practically screaming with frustration, but he wrapped his arms around her and began rubbing the tight muscles in her arms and shoulders. He let his hands trail down her arms and brush forward to her breasts—full, luscious breasts that peeked out through the bubbles that floated on top of the hot water.

As her nipples hardened under his fingers, she gasped, and his name came out on a long moan.

Gabe couldn’t get enough. She pressed against his hard length—God what he wouldn’t do to slip inside her slick heat and make love to her hot and hard. But not yet.

She laid her head back against him and turned it, letting him capture her mouth in his. Nothing had ever felt this incredible. He’d never wanted anything to last so long, to go on endlessly. He wanted PJ in his arms forever.

Gabe let one hand travel down her stomach, between her legs where she was so slick and swollen. All for him. When his fingers pressed into her, she gasped against his mouth, and he heard himself moaning now.

God, how he wanted this woman. He’d meant to take this slow, but there wasn’t any stopping this. She wriggled back against him, pressing closer still, pushing her ass back into him until he grew harder and thicker. So ready for her.

PJ twisted, and he drew his legs closer together, knowing what she wanted. As she straddled him, he knew they needed to get out of the tub. He needed to get her into his bedroom where he could get to a condom, but it appeared she had other things in mind.

PJ glided back and forth over him, the heat of her body driving him mad as he let himself get lost in those eyes. She could torment him forever, and if he died, he’d die a happy man.

Gabe’s hands found her breasts again, rubbing his fingers softly over the peaked nipples, pinching her lightly…drawing that moan from her again. It ended on a whimper.

“I want you inside me,” she said and Gabe pushed her back to rise out of the tub, then pulled her out of the water with him. They fell onto the bed dripping wet and tangled, but he managed to reach for his bag next to the nightstand and felt through it until he found the box of condoms he’d stashed in there before leaving his house. It seemed like a million years ago.

Her eyes were on his, trusting and open, as he sheathed himself and then pressed his cock to her wet slit…seeking. He teased back and forth and watched her mouth open in a silent moan, and her heavy-lidded eyes close halfway at the sensation.

He pressed inside, wishing the amazing feeling of entering her for the first time could last forever, go on forever.

He didn’t move quickly…but wasn’t slow either. His body needed to be inside her all the way. To his amazement, her warmth wrapped around him, milking him. He lay his forehead on hers and paused, just soaking in the sensations, feeling her so tight around him.
