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“So yummy when you’re in protector mode.” Sam sighed. “Damn, that was out loud, wasn’t it?”

Logan gave a huff with a shake of his head, but she saw the corners of his mouth twitch and knew he was trying not to smile.

“I should go,” he said, standing. He picked up the jammer and handed it to her. “Remember to turn this off and let them hear you watching a little TV and brushing your teeth. Anything they’d expect to hear.”

“Won’t anyone listening think that’s odd? I mean, suddenly their device just goes out?”

He shrugged. “At first they’ll just assume it’s interference from everyday stuff you’d run across. It won’t tip them off for a few days, at least. Eventually, they’ll notice it’s happening too often, but not at first.”

He paused and seemed to search her face. “Are you okay to stay here tonight by yourself? Do you want me to stay with you until Zach gets your security system in place?”

Yes, please.

“No, that’s okay. I’m not worried about it. I think Chad’s right. Jack will probably know exactly who it is and Chad will track the bugs back to them and it’ll all be fine. Like you guys said, I’m the weak link. Chad and Jack and Andrew would certainly notice anything awry right away and people know that. They wouldn’t think I would spot anything, so they targeted me, that’s all.”

He seemed to shake himself out of a haze. With purposeful movements, he took the jammer from her hand and showed her that he was turning it off. She wasn’t honestly sure if his next words and actions were for show for whoever might be listening, or not.

Frankly, she didn’t care.

Because before she knew what was happening, Logan was murmuring her name and he’d lowered his head to hers, capturing her mouth with his.

And, oh God, capture was the right word. Because the haze and heat and dizziness of the kiss caught her. Caught in the control of his hands as he laced them through her hair and angled her head, taking the kiss soul deep with the stroke of his tongue on her lips. Lips that parted without thought or care, letting him delve into her mouth.

Sam moaned and Logan’s arm dropped to her waist, hauling her against him, bringing the hard planes of his body flush to the soft contours of hers. Her entire body responded in an instant, and tantalizing warmth raced through her as her curves fit to him.

And then, he pulled away. His gaze was intense, his breath just the smallest bit out of control, but he quickly collected himself. He steadied his breathing as he pushed her away from him, seeming to place her quite purposefully out of reach.

Sam couldn’t make out his thoughts, and honestly had no idea if he’d done that simply for the benefit of anyone listening, or because he’d wanted to.

She was going to choose to think he’d wanted to, but he shuttered his eyes and said a quick goodnight before walking away, and that left her wondering if it was all just for show, after all.

Chapter 8


Diya looked up from her computer and raised her eyebrows at Yoshi.

“Yes?” She’d told him not to interrupt her and Peter as they worked, so she knew if Yoshi had chosen to do so it would be important.

Yoshi eyed Peter as he stepped into the room. Diya had a feeling Peter was wholly absorbed in his work, but she trusted him completely, regardless. He had worked for her father over the years as a contact in the United States and had proven himself. She waved Yoshi farther into the room.

“You can speak in front of Peter. Heaven knows he’s learning every secret we have right now,” she said with a smile.

But in reality, Peter wasn’t learning her secrets—he was learning her father’s. Diya discovered her father kept journals filled to overflowing with the secrets of anyone and everyone he’d ever worked with.

Some had been secret codes to establishing contact with those he worked with. Others were secrets those people wouldn’t want getting out. It seemed her father had known the value of information and he’d traded upon that value through the years. She’d always wondered how he’d come to be as powerful as he had, and now she knew.

She fully intended to pick up where he’d left off, but she also planned to bring the endeavor into the present day. She was having Peter Gatorelli computerize everything. He’d begun by setting up firewalls and security. Once he completed that task, he’d be taking all the information Diya’s father had compiled and setting it up in a database she could search and cross-reference at will. She would also be able to add to the database, and she intended to do that as well.

Yoshi sat in a chair across from her. “I’ve had three men on Logan Stone for a week, and I think you’re right about that woman. Samantha Page appears to be dating him. I’m not sure yet how important he is to her, but they’re definitely together.”

Peter’s head shot up. “Samantha Page?”

Yoshi nodded, his mouth pulling down into a frown.

“Where is she from? Connecticut? Like Stone?” Peter looked to Yoshi for an answer. Yoshi nodded again.

“Huh,” Peter said and lowered his head to the laptop in front of him again, talking to himself under his breath, a highly annoying habit he seemed unaware of, or perhaps, unconcerned about.
