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“Um, Kel,” Jack said, scratching his head, and Logan caught Chad trying to stifle a laugh. Logan had to clamp down on his laughter, too.

The sight was priceless. Big Jack Sutton saying “um” to his wife and clearly struggling with how to get her to the hospital to deliver their baby without ticking her off.

Logan watched as Jack took a step toward Kelly and put a hand on her belly. “I think if they were Braxton-Hicks they would have stopped when you laid down earlier, right?”

They’d managed to get Kelly to lie down for about thirty minutes, but she was up again now. Logan cracked a smile.

“All right,” Kelly’s mom said, coming into the room, a whirlwind force to rival her daughter. “Let’s get my daughter to the hospital. No more dillydallying. Go get the car,” she said to her husband.”

“Mom,” Kelly began, but the word turned into half moan, half howl as she bent double and grabbed her belly again.

“Alright,” Kelly’s mom said. “It’s time, sweetheart. No more messing around.”

Kelly didn’t argue this time. She looked like she couldn’t speak.

They all made a path for Jack as he escorted Kelly through the room and down the stairs.

As the group filed out of the room after the couple, Logan hung back with Sam, wanting just one minute of alone time with her before they joined the crowd. He had a feeling they would be following everyone to the hospital and waiting for news of the next Sutton baby. He was happy to do that, wanted to be there with their friends. But first, he wanted a minute with Sam.

He turned her in his arms and kissed her mouth, fully, passionately, holding nothing back. He loved her more than he’d ever thought possible.

He pulled back and looked into eyes that matched the heat he was feeling, but the moment was cut off by Chad calling up the stairs to them.

“You guys coming?”

“Yeah,” Logan called back.

They’d ridden over to Jack’s with Jennie and Chad so they needed to catch up to them to get to the hospital.

He had only one question for Sam first.

“Do you think you’ll be that crazy when you have a baby someday?” He couldn’t wait for them to start a family. He hoped all of their children were like her. Strong and beautiful and so smart she scared him. Then again, if they were all that smart, he might be in trouble.

She smiled up at him and something about the look in her eyes told him she had a secret. He didn’t even realize he was holding his breath and probably holding her a little tighter as he waited to find out what she had to tell him.

“I guess we’ll find out in about seven months. Well, six months and three point five weeks, near as I can figure,” she said, and Logan lifted her and let out a whoop. He’d never felt such pure happiness flow through him. Sam was his. And they were building a life together. They were building a future together. A family. His family.

---The End---
