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February was almostover before David released Noah from the hospital. It was just over seven weeks from his birth when he was finally allowed to go home. That Tuesday morning, he headed out bright and early to bring his family home, and Hue had started his three-week leave. Driving down as the sun came up, he brought the car seat and a few other things that might be needed for the drive back with their son, but he really had no idea what was needed.

When he got there, the nurses were showing Amanda everything that was needed to keep the little boy alive. Hue would have been terrified about bringing him home if he didn’t have Amanda at his side. With Noah in her arms, he knew she was barely listening as the instructions were told to them, but she used to give the instructions, so she didn’t have to listen.

Over the past month, he had spent every weekend with her and usually two nights a week, always getting up before dawn to get to work on time. But it had all been worth it to spend time with Amanda and Noah.

Since the day he went back to work, when they were alone, they couldn’t keep their hands off each other. The only downside was that they were still guests at David and Mira’s house; though they were great people, and Hue got along with them, he wanted his family home.

But where was home? They hadn’t discussed it, but they couldn’t stay downtown forever. They each had a one-bedroom rental. Neither was big enough for all the stuff Amanda and Tess had already bought, much less what was bound to show up when they finally got back to Landstad. But he didn’t push Amanda on the living situation when her sole purpose was on getting Noah out of the hospital. When she got back to Landstad, she would instantly be aware of what the issue was.

“Did you get him all in there?” David asked as he looked at the baby in the car seat that was far too big for such a little boy.

“Yes, we did, and he’s pretty excited to see his home,” Amanda said about the baby who didn’t seem exactly excited. Very mad was how Hue would describe him. But Hue didn’t know babies like Amanda did.

“I bet he is. You have everything you need?” David asked them both, but mostly Amanda because she knew what they needed.

“I have Mandy, so yes.” Hue touched the woman on the arm, making David laugh.

“I would take her over anything else in this place too.” David winked at Amanda, who just took the compliments and readjusted the baby one more time.

“So, can we just take him? No alarms or anything will go off?” Amanda asked.

“Nope. But I do want to talk to your… Hue. A moment.” David pointed at him.

“You may speak to my Hue for a moment, but I want him back.” Amanda laughed at the doctor’s stumble.

As they walked away, Amanda started to look through the bag on the floor next to her again. David led him into the hallway, and Hue was able to see Amanda through the big window that separated the two. She didn’t notice him. Hue stopped when David did and was wondering what he could possibly have to say to him that he couldn’t say to Amanda. Maybe it was the ‘make an honest woman out of her’ talk, which made him wonder how close the couple was with Amanda after all.

“So, Hue, can I ask again how much infertility you went through? Before.”

David’s question took him by surprise. It had been weeks since they had talked about this. Maybe his infertility was something more serious than Krystal ever let on.

“About six years.” Hue tried to remember, but he didn’t know exactly since his ex didn’t make the process a couple’s thing. Mostly, she didn’t talk about it at all. She was far more embarrassed about it than she should have been.

“What kind?” David inquired.

“Shots, pills, I don’t remember what it all was.” He told the truth.

“Did you see a doctor?”

“Well, once, but my wife—ex-wife—was always the one talking to the doctors.” Hue didn’t need to be told of his failings more than once. Krystal had told him all the time.

“Because I ran some tests, and I don’t see anything wrong with you. Everything looks good. There is no reason that you shouldn’t be able to father children if you want.” The doctor just shrugged.

“No, David, I can’t father children. She has a baby. I don’t.”

Amanda stood up and looked at him, then smiled and waved from inside the room. The baby must have made a noise because she was back down with him in an instant.

“I don’t know what to tell you. Medically, I can’t find anything wrong. So, when you and Amanda start to get intimate, you should be using protection.” David slapped him on the back after Hue looked back at the woman who had insisted she was ready last month. It seemed that she and her doctor were not on the same page if he didn’t know they were already intimate. “If you decide to have more kids, she sees me constantly the moment she even thinks about getting pregnant.”

Leaning against the wall, Hue had no idea what to think. As David’s phone rang, he looked at it and walked away quickly with a small wave, leaving Hue alone with his thoughts. Maybe the tests he took now were wrong. They had to be wrong. Because the ones he took ten years before couldn’t be wrong. Except all evidence said they were.

A few minutes later, when Amanda came out, he was still leaning against the wall, still in shock. David had to be wrong. He had known for years that the problem was with him. Krystal had said so. She had a kid. If it had been her, how did she get a kid?

Looking into her smiling face as she carried the baby toward him, he wondered how he was going to tell her. What if she was pregnant again already? Suddenly, it was him who would be the one who put the baby in her that she would miscarry. He would be the cause of her pain.

Pulling her to him, he kissed away the pain he could possibly cause her in the future. Knowing he would be by her side through the entire thing didn’t ease his worry. Because she could leave him easily enough. He had no hold on her.

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