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Again, Lea’s shoulders lifted and dropped.

“You’re no help with this gossip thing here.”

The subtle twitch on Lea’s lips made Jewel think she was quite enjoying this conversation. She was going to have fun with this. She swam, mentally, up and down Lea’s street, picking out who lived where, who the biggest gossips were.

“Patti Grover.”

Lea snorted. “I’d hardly think Patti—”

“All she does is run around town and share gossip. She has a circle she makes every day where she gathers information from one and brings it to the next. In the game of telephone, she is the telephone.”

“And you would know this how exactly?”

Jewel paused. Very carefully, she leaned in and lowered her tone. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”

“J…” The warning in Lea’s tone sent a thrill up Jewel’s spine. This was going to be fun.

She leaned back and ate as though there was no conspiracy going on around town about them. She wanted to make sure she had all of Lea’s attention. “What about the Barretts?”

“You think everyone on my block is a gossip?” Lea ate as though they were talking about the weather.

Jewel was intrigued. She had seen Lea flirtatious before, but this took it to a whole new level. “No, not everyone. You’re certainly not. You’re quiet and keep to yourself.”

“That I do.”

“Do you know who is starting the rumors?” Jewel eyed her suspiciously, taking the last bite of her food. This evening was turning out to be far more fun than she’d thought it’d be.

“I do.” Lea sounded so damn confident.

What was that twinkle in Lea’s eye? “Did…did you start the rumor?”

Lea’s bright red cheeks were her answer.

“Oh my God! Why would you do that?”

“Simple really. I wanted to know what people would think of it before we went anywhere, get them used to the idea first, see how bad the fallout was going to be from the district and parents.”

“You’re running a damn experiment!”

Lea chuckled as she drank the rest of her wine. “I might be.”

“You’re absolutely insane. I can’t believe you of all people started a rumor about us.”

“Why not?” Lea took their empty plates and glasses and headed into the kitchen to wash them.

Jewel sat there, still in shock, her heart racing. “No! No, you can’t stop there.”

“Stop where? I stopped nowhere.”

“Yes, you did. What were you really trying to accomplish with this rumor?”

“Just what I said.”

“And what else?” Jewel leaned against the counter as Lea rinsed the plates. “I know there’s something else. What else is it?”

Lea sighed. “If you must know, I wanted the rumor to help give me a push to move forward and not stay stagnant in this relationship. I want it to build and for people to be looking. I told you I was scared of it before, and I still am, but that doesn’t mean I want to run from it.”

“You sneaky devil.”
