Page 28 of Sailing Away Plans

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“Can you believe it? He hasn’t answered Samantha yet? I wonder what’s going on.”

“I don’t care,” she lied. “I need coffee and something to eat.” Lillian unwrapped the ham sandwich she’d brought with her and bit into it, hoping Heidi would stop assuming one crazy thing after another. Her phone rang.

Heidi’s head snapped up and turned toward her. “The boss.”

Lillian glanced at her phone and shook her head. “My son.” She pressed the call answer button. “Hi Greg… Good … Glad you’re okay… No problem… When you settle… Love you, too.”

His call had soothed her mood. She bit into her sandwich once more.

After finishing her lunch, Lillian sat at the nurses’ station typing a report. She looked up as Dr. Shiran walked by, heading toward the office at the end of the hallway.

“He finally called her,” Heidi muttered.

Fifteen minutes later, Samantha came out, shaking her head, and Jason hurried into the boss’s office.

Lillian exchanged a glance with Heidi.

“Something’s definitely wrong,” the senior nurse grumbled.

“Who knows? Maybe Dr. Randall will tell us.”

But Jason hadn’t lasted any more than ten minutes in the sacrosanct office when Heidi’s phone rang.

“Yes, Dr. Winston… Okay… Right away.” She turned to Lillian. “Our turn to enter the lion’s den.”

Darn, he hadn’t bothered to call her directly. Quite rattled by his omission, Lillian suppressed a frustrated huff. “Let’s go.”

Heidi banged on the door and opened it right away, not waiting for an answer.

“Have a seat, ladies,” Steve said, without raising his eyes from his laptop.

Lillian and Heidi sat across his desk, looking at each other.

His phone rang. “Yes… I’ll get back to you in five minutes.”

Five minutes? Apparently, he wasn’t planning to keep them any longer than that.

Finally, he straightened. His gaze flitted from one nurse to the other.

“I want to let you know that I’m leaving tomorrow.”

“Again?” Heidi blurted.

“But you said…” Panic, mingled with anger, swirled in Lillian’s stomach. “You said… Huh… That you would be leaving in three…in two weeks.” She hated herself for stammering.

Was this the way to inform her of his plans after the weekend they’d spent together? After the fabulous dinners and kisses they’d shared?

“I know what I said. But something’s come up, and I have to leave tomorrow.”

Heidi crossed her arms over her chest. “For how long?”

“Only three days. Heidi, I’m sure you’ll hold down the fort. Lillian, I count on you to take care of my house and the pets.”


“Please, Lillian. I have so much to do over there, and I trust you. You know the house well, and the animals love you. Please.”

Buffeted by her recent memories, she sighed. “Okay.”
