Page 29 of Sailing Away Plans

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“Thank you, ladies.” He waved them to the door and punched a number on his phone. “Yes, I’m here.”

They were dismissed.

“Less than five minutes. Four exactly,” Heidi bellowed when Lillian closed the door behind them. “He’s losing it. I swear this St. John’s nonsense is making him completely nuts.”

Darn, Heidi was going too far. Lillian scowled at her. “Shh! Don’t say that. He’s our boss, and he’s always been so generous.”

“You’re a hopeless case, girl. Keep loving him from your corner until you wither like a dried-out flower.”

“Shut-up, Heidi.”

Annoyed, Lillian strode to the nurses’ station to sit at the computer again. Her phone blipped with a message.

“Ah.” A text from Steve.

Your place, 6 pm.


The brief note restored her faith in life. Steve wouldn’t leave without seeing her. By four thirty, she couldn’t hold it together any longer. She collected her handbag.

“Heidi, I hope you don’t mind if I leave half an hour earlier. I’ll stay late tomorrow.”

“No problem.”

She signed out, eager to get home, change, and get ready to welcome Steve. Her good spirits revolved around him, and she prayed he wouldn’t disappoint her.

Even if he did, what did it matter? As Heidi had so wryly pointed out, Lillian was hopelessly in love with him.
