Page 35 of Sailing Away Plans

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The sound of crushed gravel pierced the silence of early dawn, alerting him to the taxi’s approach.

Returning to the bedroom, he gazed at the lovely, naked woman, sleeping peacefully once more, her hair spread across his pillow, and cursed.

Why did good things always happen at the wrong time? At the last minute?

He tiptoed to her side and pressed a soft kiss on her forehead.

“I’ll make it up to you.”


Darn alarm, why was it so loud? Lillian buried her head under the pillow and inhaled Steve’s lingering musky scent that lulled her back into her happy dreams.

The blasted sound continued to drill into her ears. She had to wake up, but her eyelids refused to cooperate, feeling heavier with every blink. With a desperate effort, she threw the pillow aside, stretched her arms and rubbed her eyes, forcing herself to look at the clock.

Already six o’clock?

A bark reminded her that Max and the cats needed to go out.

“Coming. Just a minute.”

Where were her clothes? Surveying the room she’d never entered until last night, she located her maroon top on the back of a chair, her panties and pants on the floor—evidence of a perfect lovemaking session.

“Aw, Steve, you were amazing.”

She chuckled and slipped them on. A louder bark sent her down the stairs and into the kitchen. She opened the garage door and received effusive licks and playful yips and meows.

“Follow me to the backyard, you guys.”

She let them out, the cats disappearing into their favorite bushes, and Max sniffing around the maple tree. Leaving them to their business, she filled their bowls with food, placing Mitzi and Wendy’s bowls on the shelves Max couldn’t reach, and putting the dog food and water near the solarium door. “Have a good day. I’ll see you tonight.”

On her way to the small guestroom where she’d thought to sleep last night, she stopped by the master suite and admired its opulence. She couldn’t complain about the setting for her first sexual encounter in twenty years.

Giggling like a teenager with her first crush, she fluffed the pillows and made up one side of the king-sized bed. Rosa would be here soon to clean the rooms and do the laundry. No need to give her evidence of Dr. Winston’s nocturnal activities.

In the guestroom, she did the opposite, punching the pillow and messing up the bed.

Half an hour later, she was ready for work, dressed in her white uniform, her hair in her traditional tight bun, and her glasses perched on her nose.

Rosa arrived as Lillian finished preparing her lunch and wrapping a muffin for breakfast.

“Good morning, Ms. Lillian. You’re here. Has the doctor gone again?”

“Yes. He told us at work he would be leaving very early today. He’ll be back in three or four days. I’ve taken care of the animals. They’re outside.”

“So you’ll be sleeping here?”

“For a few days, until he comes back. I need to run now. Have a good day, Rosa.”

At work, Heidi received her with a frown. “Any news from the boss?”

“You heard him yesterday. I guess I’m on duty again. Max, Mitzi and Wendy need to eat, drink, and go out. I’ll be heading there straight from work.”

“If only I could think of something to keep him here.”

Not going to happen.

Frankly, she didn’t mind Steve moving to his island, away from the nosey and nagging people at the clinic. He insisted he wanted her to go with him. After last night in heaven, she wouldn’t mind jumping on the first plane to join him.
