Page 40 of Sailing Away Plans

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“I love you too, Steve.”

A knock on her door doused her excitement.

“Ms. Lillian.” Royce’s voice sounded urgent.

Reality checked back in.

“Goodnight, Steve. Talk to you tomorrow.” She ended the call and opened the door. “Yes, Royce. What’s up?”

“Sorry to bother you. I don’t know the security code for the alarm.”

“Okay. I’ll go set it. You go to sleep. You must be exhausted.”

“I’m on jetlag. Fourteen hours difference. For me, it’s almost noon, and I’m wide awake. Don’t expect to see me tomorrow morning.”

“All right. Come with me, I’ll show you how to set the alarm.”

In the kitchen, she noticed he’d just left the plates in the sink. Spoiled brat, too used to being pampered by his adoring girlfriends. How would Steve react to his prodigal son’s return?

Too many issues buzzed around in her mind, and she tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep.

Should she tell Steve about Royce’s presence? Should she accept his invitation to go to St. John? What about her job in Cincinnati? Her house?

Royce’s rock music blared from the pub room and gifted her with a splitting headache. By midnight, she was still counting sheep, organizing the new clinic, and cursing Steve’s absence and his son’s presence.

Her phone rang. Steve again probably just in time to soothe her migraine. She jerked up and grabbed the phone.

“Hi, Mom.”

“Greg, good to hear your voice.”

“Sorry to call so early.”

“So late you mean. It’s midnight.”

“Damn, I forgot. It’s five a.m. here. You weren’t asleep yet?”

“Huh…No, I’m thinking.”

“About what?”

Maybe he could help her see clearly. “My boss asked me to go work at the new clinic on St. John.”

“Awesome. I’m so happy for you. He gave you an official offer. A good increase, I hope.”

“He didn’t give me anything. Just told me he badly needs me there, and I’d be the best one to manage the clinic. I said okay.”

She fidgeted with the blankets, her throat too warm, her feet too cold.

“Wait a minute. There’s no such thing ashe said, you said. This is business, Mom. Tell him to give you a written offer, with the salary high enough to justify the relocation. The offer should specify the benefits, insurance, vacation days, sick days, paid trips to Cincinnati, and a place to live until you rent an apartment. Don’t let him take advantage of you.”

“No, no. Of course not.”

“I’ll send you a reminder text with your requirements.”

Steve was telling her he missed her, he loved her. How could she respond with a cold demand for money and benefits in writing? She’d been working for him for fifteen years and dreaming just as long that he would fall in love with her.

“But… I can’t tell him I don’t trust him.”
