Page 41 of Sailing Away Plans

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“Mom, it’s not a matter of trust. It’s called bu-si-ness. At work, you give your time and effort. They pay you back. Simple. You need that written offer before you give up your secure job and travel into the unknown.”

“The un…unknown?” she sputtered. A shiver slithered down her spine. Far from calming her nervousness, Greg had intensified her worries.

“Think about it, Mom. Think carefully before you say yes. Anyhow, got to go now. Bye.”


Oh God. What had she gotten herself into?


“Are you sick?” Heidi grabbed her by the chin, turning it right and left, and squinted at her.

“Not sick. Just a monster migraine.” Lillian eased her face out of the inquisitive nurse’s hands.

“Coffee won’t be enough. Take a Motrin.”

“No need. I’ll take three cups.”

“The animals didn’t behave?”

“Oh, the animals are adorable.” Wish she could say the same about the men in her life.

“You’re lucky. Today looks like a quiet one.”

A knock interrupted them, and the door of the nurses’ room opened a tad. Dr. Randall peeked inside.

“Lillian, today is a quiet day at the clinic. I want you to come with me to the hospital for a hands-on demonstration of a new procedure. It’ll take the whole day.” He chuckled. “Never a dull moment around here. Things are always changing.”

Heidi scoffed. “A whole day… That should take your mind off your headache.”

Lillian glared at her. “On second thought, I’ll have that Motrin.”

Heidi’s prediction came true. The analgesic wove its spell, and by five o’clock, Lillian had forgotten her worries. Her phone blipped as she parked in the Winstons’ driveway. Several back- to-back texts from Steve popped up on her screen.

Very busy day. Toured the motel and shops with contractor. Long meeting with him to discuss improvement. Clinic and lab almost done.

Sent an email to the children announcing my move. No details.

Called the real estate agent in Cincinnati to proceed with house rental.

Won’t call tonight. Going for dinner at THE restaurant in my new complex. A sort of inspection. And then straight to bed. Can’t wait to see you tomorrow night, if all goes well.

So glad you decided to work here with me. You won’t regret it.

Miss you, sweetheart.

Did he include Royce in his email to thechildren?

As much as she wanted to see Steve, she dreaded his arrival home and first encounter with Royce. A throbbing pain hit her temples. Tomorrow night, she’d better be safely tucked into her own house.

Max greeted her at the kitchen door, and Royce followed behind.

“Hi Royce.” Not in a mood for small talk, she headed to the stairs.

“Hi Ms. Lillian, aren’t you going to ask about my first day at home?”

“I assume you slept the whole day, considering your jetlag.”
