Page 47 of Sailing Away Plans

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His smile faded, and his heart twitched.


Their gaze met and held.

Where had his handsome son gone? Where was the athletic, dashing twenty-year-old who had pretty girls trailing behind him wherever he went?

“Good to see you, Dad.” The young man hesitated on the last step.

Steve opened his arms.

Royce rushed forward, and Steve hugged him, rubbing and patting his back, blinking fatherly tears of relief.

His son was home. Things would improve. The beard could be shaved, the hair groomed. With good food and exercise, Royce could regain his healthy appearance.

Finally, he inched away, but held his son at arm’s length. With a surgeon’s eye, he scrutinized the cherished face of his youngest child, searching for the answers to his many questions.

He noticed the reddish line under the shaggy beard. “What’s that?” He traced it with a finger.

“It’s nothing.” Royce tried to ease away.

“It’s a scar from a knife wound and quite a recent one.”

“Nothing escapes you, does it? I was hoping the beard would cover it.”

“When did it happen?”

“Two weeks ago. A woman who pretended to be single. Her husband caught us together. I had to run away.”

“Not fast enough it seems. Is that what prompted your return?”

“Not really. I realized I couldn’t continue to depend on others for my survival. I’m going back to college to finish my degree. Then, I’ll find a real job.”

“Good.” He pressed on the scar.

Royce winced. “Don’t do that. It hurts.”

“Obviously, and it’s infected. Shave this beard right away and let me look at it.”

“No. It’s hideous.”

“It may get worse if we don’t do anything, and it could permanently disfigure you.”


“You probably need a few stitches and an antibiotic. Go shave while I call the clinic.”

Royce seemed to hesitate, touching his scar, and huffing. “You think you can remove the scar?”

“First, I’ll have to assess it. Trust your surgeon, son, and get ready.”

“Thanks, Dad. And here I thought you were going to yell at me, scold me, and maybe even try to punish me.”

“All of that will come later.” He chuckled, and Royce laughed.

“You’re one of a kind, Dad. Thanks. I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

Steve called Lillian. “Did you notice a scar on Royce’s face?”
