Page 50 of Sailing Away Plans

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Chapter Fifteen

“Lillian … Lillian.”

A hand was pushing her over the edge of a cliff. In the throes of a nightmare, Lillian heard her name and bounced up trying not to fall off the examination bed.


“Lillian, what’s going on?” Standing next to her, Heidi was shaking her shoulder none too gently. “I found Dr. Winston asleep in the other room.”

“Dr. Winston asked me to come in last night. We had to operate on Royce.”

“Why? What was wrong with him?”

“Huh, infected abscess under his bushy beard.”

“No wonder he grew one so long. That boy will drive his father crazy. Generating problems the moment he arrives.”

Heidi hadn’t heard the half of it.

“Morning ladies.” Steve stood in the doorway, his twenty-four hour stubble giving him the rugged charm of a pirate. If she did get to live on his boat, she might encourage him to grow it out for a month. “What’s so funny, Lillian?”

“Huh…nothing.” Her smile faded under his frown.

“These beds are the most uncomfortable things I’ve ever slept on.”

Heidi burst out laughing. “I hope you’ll never be my patient. You’ll drive us insane with your complaints.”

“Talking about patients… I’m on my way to check on Royce.”

His son’s groans reached them from the hallway. “Lillian… Dad… Help.”

They ran the last few feet. “What’s wrong?”

“It hurts…my face.”

“Ah, okay. You scared me.” Lillian reached for the analgesic cream and rubbed it on his left cheek.

“It hurts...a lot.”

“It’ll get better soon.”

“Heidi, call a janitor,” Steve said. “We’ll move Royce to my car. Dr. Randall will need his OR today.”

“But… He’s still in pain. He can’t stay by himself at the house.”

“I’ll be with him. I have paperwork I can do from home while nursing him.”

“You?” Lillian gawked at him, and Heidi raised her eyebrows.

“Begging your pardon, Dr. Winston. You’re an amazing doctor, but you make a lousy nurse.”

“Heidi, if you value your job, don’t say another word.” His threatening tone didn’t seem to impress the older nurse. She twitched her lips right and left in doubt. “The janitor…”

“Okay.” She made the call. “He’ll be here in a few minutes.”

Lillian accompanied them as Steve pushed the stretcher out of the room and outside. While he went to bring his car around, she stayed with their patient. As soon as Steve pulled up to the curb, he and Carl, the janitor, held Royce under the arms as they walked him to the Mercedes and laid him on the back seat.

“Carl, follow me with your vehicle. I’ll need your help at the house.”
