Page 54 of Sailing Away Plans

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Royce huffed. “Well then, can you drive me?”

“You want me to take you to pick up your latest girlfriend? Are you kidding me? After you told me you learned your lesson and wouldn’t get involved with women anymore and would focus on your degree? The answer isno.”

“Dad, try to understand. She saved my skin. I owe her. I told you I invited her to stay with us, and you agreed.”

“I never agreed. I didn’t even answer.” The tensing of Steve’s jaw betrayed his frustration. “She can’t stay in this house.”

“What? Why not?” Royce’s voice hardened with anger.

“I was going to announce my plans tomorrow when your brother and sister arrived. If you remember I emailed you all, explaining that I’ll soon be leaving the Cincinnati clinic.”

“I don’t see how Susan staying withmehere interferes withyourplans. I’ve been back for almost a week. You’ve never broached a word about your plans.” The young man’s eyes blazed with accusation.

His mouth pulled into a thin-lipped grin, Steve shrugged. “As if you were in any shape to listen to them.”

“Besides, you went to the clinic each day. I assumed you’d changed your mind about quitting. Regardless, the house is huge. She won’t bother you.”

“No, I didn’t change my mind.” His look tight with strain seemed to impale his son. “We’ll talk about it at length when Matt, his wife, and Stephanie arrive. But that woman can’t stay here. And you can’t drive yet. Period.”

Electric sparks charged the kitchen as father and son faced each other, their faces bearing the same angry expression.

Royce turned toward Lillian. “You see how he treats me? As if my wants and needs don’t even count in this house. As if this house has stopped being my home.”

Fed up with the argument opposing Steve and his son, Lillian blurted, “Royce, if you have to go to the airport, I’ll drive you.”

Steve spun toward her, squinting. “Lillian—”

“It’s okay, Dr. Winston.” She raised an appeasing hand. “He can’t just fail to show up and dump the young woman if he’s promised he would be at the airport.”

“Thank you, Ms. Lillian. You’re an angel.”

“All right,” Steve said through gritted teeth. “Drive her to a motel. I’ll pay for it until she finds a permanent place,” Steve offered.

Royce frowned. “But—”

“You heard your father. She can’t come here.” Lillian wagged her head, determined to show the young man she agreed with his father. “By the way, since you’ve improved a lot and can manage on your own, I’ll be going back to my place tonight. Especially when you’ll all be gathered as a family.”


She heard the desperation in Steve’s voice, but wouldn’t cave. Not this time.

“I’ve made my decision, Dr. Winston. Royce, I’ll come straight here from work, drive you to the airport, and take Susan to the Holiday Inn. It’s only fifteen minutes away. Bye now. I can’t afford to be late. Heidi will chop off my head.”

True to her word, Lillian picked up Royce after work, collecting her carryon, and stowing it in her SUV’s trunk.

“Too bad you’re not staying with us any longer,” Royce said after an unusual silence. “Dad is easier to deal with when you’re around.”

She glanced at him. What was he getting at?

“Your father has a lot of decisions to make right now. Changing jobs at his age isn’t easy.”

“Good thing he has you to confide in and support him.” Royce’s casual tone didn’t betray his thoughts.

She didn’t answer.

“Listen, Ms. Lillian… By the way, can I just call you Lillian?”

“Of course,” she smiled, dreading the rest of the conversation.
