Page 55 of Sailing Away Plans

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“I want you to know that if…if you and my father are…are together, it doesn’t bother me. On the contrary, I think you’re a good influence on him.”

“Dr. Winston doesn’t need a good influence. He’s a dedicated doctor, an excellent father, and a supportive boss for his staff. We all respect him a lot.”

“What a tribute and an act of faith in your…boss. I was just saying that I noticed he’s a different man when he’s around you.”

“Royce, I’m doing you a favor, so do me one as well, and don’t assume things. And don’t create gossip. Your father is my boss, and yes, I would like to think he’s also my friend.”

“I promise I won’t. Seriously, I’m happy for him. Though I’m not sure how Matt and his wife, or even Stephanie will react.”

That was exactly why she preferred to stay out of the way during their family reunion.

Lillian dropped Royce at the airport and drove to the waiting area. When he called her, she returned to the airport, stopped at the curb when she spotted him with a beautiful brunette, and jumped out of the car to welcome Susan Chen. She liked the unpretentious young woman right away.

Susan didn’t mind going to a motel. “I prefer having my freedom and privacy.” She spoke English fluently but with a lilting accent. “Tomorrow, I’ll visit the University of Cincinnati. The International Admission Office will help me rent a studio close to the campus. Maybe they can get me a permit to work as a masseuse or teach Thai massage techniques while I’m studying,” she explained, as Lillian drove away from the airport.

“I’m sure you’ll do great, Susan. I’ll be your first client.”

“Thank you. Since you picked me up, your first massage will be free.”

“Well, thank you. Can I earn a second session by driving you tomorrow to U.C. before going to work?”

“That would be great.”

“It has to be by seven, no later.”

“No problem. It’ll give me time to explore the campus. Better to take me to a motel near your house, Lillian,” Susan suggested.

“In that case, we’ll drop Royce at the house, and then I’ll take you to a motel closer to where I live.”

“Do you always go out of your way to offer unsolicited help?” Royce’s voice dripped with sarcasm. Was he frustrated seeing her helping his friend when he was unable to do so himself?

Catching his annoyance, Lillian glanced at him. “Yes, Royce, always. For you, for your father, for anyone I can help.”

“Hmm… Did I mistake your feelings toward Dad then?”

“You’re mistaking many things. Relax and be happy I’m helping your friend.”

Lillian pulled up in front of the house, climbed out of the car, and caught Royce’s arm to delay him a moment. He was Steve’s youngest son. Not only did she not want bad blood between them, she hated to see him frustrated.

“Don’t resent me, Royce. I’m not your enemy. Hopefully you’ll recover soon and you won’t need anyone.”

He nodded. “I’m sorry, Lillian. I didn’t mean to sound bitter. It’s just that recently everything has been going wrong for me.”

“Things can change, if you want them to. Take care of yourself.” Sensing his loneliness, she added, “Call me. Let me know how you’re doing, and if you need a ride.”

“I will. Thank you.”

After registering Susan at the motel and requesting the bill to be sent to Dr. Winston, Lillian bid her goodnight and returned to her own house, eager to enjoy a quiet, stress-free night. The Mercedes in her driveway caught her attention right away.

Why was Steve here?
