Page 68 of Sailing Away Plans

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“Nope. My hair is too short.” She tossed him a playful smile and caught the glances exchanged by Royce and his sister.

The waiter arrived, saving her from their thorough examination, and they busied themselves with the menus and ordered drinks and food.

“Did you know about Steve’s plans?” Cybil shot at her.

Trying to be as vague as possible, Lillian nodded. “He announced it at a staff meeting at the clinic once his plans were set.”

“Will you be working on St. John at the clinic?” Royce’s subtle smile reminded her of his insinuations about her involvement with his dad.

“Dr. Winston has offered me a transfer to the new clinic, and I’ve decided to accept it. Starting a new job should be an interesting challenge.”

“Why do you keep calling himDr. Winston?” Royce scoffed. “We’re his family.”

“I’ve called him Dr. Winston all day long at work for fifteen years.” She sighed, wishing she could leave them and escape to her house with Steve. “I guess old habits die hard.”

“I don’t understand, Dad,” Stephanie started. “Lillian has been working at the clinic for so long, you never… I mean… What brought you together suddenly?”

Lillian winced and glanced at him worriedly. How much should she reveal?

Steve nodded. “You’re right, Stephy. For years, I was blind to the treasure next to me. Lillian was always there, helping and available whenever I needed her. I thought that paying her for her services was the right thing to do. I never realized I was taking advantage of her kindness.”

“You were.” Royce bobbed his head in agreement.

“One day, she got fed up and refused to pet sit and look after the house.”

“I don’t blame her,” Stephanie said.

He chuckled. “I was stuck. Damn it, I needed her help. I offered her more money; she rejected it, implying I was insulting her by doing so. Out of desperation, I said, ‘Well, since I need your help and you refuse to be paid, can I make it up to you by inviting you out to dinner?’ She said, ‘Yes.’ When I picked her up, I got the biggest surprise of my life. My plain jane nurse hid a swan under her uniform. And once I saw her for who she really was... Well, the rest is history.” He wrapped an arm around her shoulders and kissed her temple, claiming her in front of his family.

The waiter brought the drinks and placed the various glasses in front of them. Lillian swirled the ice cubes in her Manhattan. Had the questions ended?

Steve raised his glass. Her pulse racing, she prayed he would avoid controversial toasts.

“Wishing you all success and happiness.”

Not too bad. She clinked her glass against his and against his kids’ and caught Cybil’s glare.

“To you, Lillian. Wishing you success in the new clinic and happiness on Steve’s boat.” The young woman’s bitter tone alerted her. “Too bad you’re building your happiness on our misery.” Cybil’s chin lifted, her words dripping contempt.

“I beg your pardon?”

“As if you didn’t know.”

Her head spun toward Steve. “Have I missed something?”

His lips stretched into a thin line, and a scowl gathered on his forehead. He jutted his chin toward his son and daughter-in-law.

“I did mention Matt and Cybil had planned to live in the house. He’s left his job at his father-in-law’s clinic. They’ve decided to move back here.”

“Ah, what a shame. Too bad they didn’t make the move earlier so that you could’ve enjoyed their presence before leaving for St. John.” She turned to his son. “Dr. Matt, I’m sure you won’t have trouble finding a good position.”

“Of course he won’t, but we were hoping to live in the house.” Cybil’s mouth twitched. “Apparently, it’s already rented.”

Looking ill at ease, Matt squeezed his wife’s hand. “Cybil, drop it,” he mumbled.

Lillian despised being involved in other people’s messes. Cybil seemed to hold her responsible for her own lack of foresight.

“Steve, isn’t there anything you can do to help them out?”
