Page 70 of Sailing Away Plans

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He kissed her again, a tender sweet kiss that wasn’t enough to erase her doubts, and left.

Once in bed, she pondered Cybil’s caustic words. Was she really at his beck and call?

Yes, she was. Unfortunately. Heidi had warned her often enough not to let Steve take advantage of her. Greg had said as much. Even Royce had agreed.

Yet they were happy and had been ever since their first dinner together. For fifteen years, she’d pined for what she believed had been an impossible love, and now it had materialized. It was real. Why would she let the bitter words of a spiteful woman make her doubt him?

She wouldn’t. Over the years, she’d studied Steve’s character, knew him to be honorable, and she trusted him as a man and a doctor.

Besides she wasn’t in her twenties with stars in her eyes, concocting dreams of happily ever after. She wanted to be in Steve’s arms. How could she expect him to offer anything more when they’d started dating only three weeks ago?

She would’ve scoffed if he’d talked about forever plans this early in their relationship. No one knew how their Caribbean adventure would turn out. She might not like living on a boat.

Be reasonable. Don’t rush into anything crazy, her mind insisted, but don’t deny yourself the love of a wonderful man, her heart reminded her.

Her phone beeped. A text from Steve.

Not sure if you’re already asleep. I miss you. Love you.

Relief flooded her. They were a couple and should share each other’s problems.

Love you, too. Is everything okay?

Yes. Matt got an offer from Randall and will look for a house to rent right away. Royce found a one-bedroom apartment in Silverton. He’ll be moving in on May 28.

Great. Now you can relax.

I’ll dream of you. Goodnight, my love.

Goodnight, Steve.

She focused on their last night together and drifted off.
