Page 10 of Dating Plans

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“I owe you a belated apology for the nasty bite. I hope you’ll allow me to make it up to you.” His voice softened to a murmur.

“A belated…” What was he getting at? Did he mean… Her eyes rounded, wide-open, and her pulse raced.

His lips brushed hers in a sweet caress, then trailed across her cheek to her ear. “Feel free to push me into the rose bushes if I hurt you again.”

Her jaw sagged, and her lips parted. Retracing its path, his mouth slanted over hers, gently sucking and nibbling. His tongue darted inside her mouth, meeting hers, teasing it, tangling, and stroking.

Practice had paid off for this A student. Melting against him, she played with the hair at his nape. If he’d kissed her this way in high school, she would have fallen into his arms and messed up her future for sure. She responded to his kiss, moaned, and snatched her mouth away to breathe.

“Matt,” she whispered against his ear. “Apology accepted.”

He chuckled and brushed kisses along her throat.

“Now, it’s your turn to make up for pushing me into the thorns. At the time, it hurt a lot, you know.”

“Sure. Let me make it up.” She pressed her mouth on his, licking his lips. With a repressed giggle, she bit softly on their firmness and pulled back. “One for one.”

“You’re a wonderful woman, Brenda.” He squeezed her against him with too much passion and then exhaled. “It was a delicious bite, enticing, and so difficult to resist, but too dangerous a game to play here.” He wasn’t laughing anymore. “Would you like to go out for lunch tomorrow? Unfortunately, I’m on call that night and then all day Sunday.”

“I would like that, Matt.”

“We’ve traded business numbers only. What’s your personal number and address?”

They exchanged phones and entered their respective numbers and addresses.

“I’ll pick you up at eleven thirty. Choose any place you like.”

The music had stopped, and people returned to the main building.

“We can leave through the football field,” Brenda suggested.

“I’ll walk you to your car.”

She glanced at him and smiled appreciatively. The clean-shaven youth of her past hadn’t lost his good manners.

When they reached her car, he gathered her into his arms. “I’m glad I came to the reunion.”

“I’m glad you came, too. I had a great time, thanks to you, Matt.”

He bent and gave her a searing kiss.

“See you tomorrow.”

He held the door open for her and waited until she drove away.

Brenda smiled and waved. She’d come to the reunion to study her classmates and write an article proving that nothing could be resurrected from the ashes of high school romances. Would she be proven wrong?


Matt replayed their kisses all the way to his condo. Fortunately, Royce wasn’t home to annoy him with questions. A shower refreshed him, and a glass of amaretto allowed him to prolong the pleasurable evening, if only in his imagination.

Fiddling with his phone, he debated the wisdom of calling Brenda so soon after leaving her. He couldn’t deny the attraction, yet he didn’t know much about her, except that she was single and a psychologist. Had she been married, divorced, living with a companion?

Jocelyn’s gossip had informed her about his marriage and divorce, but Brenda hadn’t breathed a word about her private life. He hoped tomorrow’s lunch would allow him to fill in the gaps.

The next morning, Matt took his father’s German shepherd for a run in the park and returned more relaxed than he’d been in a long time. To add to his peace of mind, Royce was still asleep by the time Matt changed and left to pick up Brenda.

She lived in an older house, located about a twenty minute drive from his building.
