Page 12 of Dating Plans

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Brenda lowered her head. “No, I left him.”


She raised her eyes, meeting his. “I had my reasons. The rest is none of your business.”

“Okay.” He nodded, understanding that some skeletons might hurt if taken out of the closet. “Does Mia live with you?”

“Yes, of course. She visits her dad for spring break or during the summer.”

Should he assume Brenda kept a civil relationship with her ex-boyfriend for her daughter’s sake? It was probably smarter than the stormy breakup he’d had with Cybil.

The waiter brought their orders, preventing him from asking more questions.

Not sure how to formulate a toast, Matt just winked at her and came up with the usual, “To your health.”

“And to yours too,” she responded automatically.

They drank their daiquiris quietly, ensconced in their own thoughts.

“Did my revelations change things?” she asked as she attacked her ravioli.

“Why should they? We’re both thirty-seven. We have our own lives. Did you lock yourself in a tower after you broke up with your ex?”

“Not exactly.” She snorted. “With raising a child on my own, a full-time job, and a career to build, I didn’t have much time for relationships. How about you?” Her voice oozed with impatience.

“Same as you, minus the child. And before my divorce, I had a high maintenance wife and not enough time for my patients or my career. I’m glad Cybil refused to start a family with me. She would’ve taken the child away from me anyway.” He exhaled with frustration. “Does your daughter look like you?”

“She does, same height, features, and hair, but her eyes are bluish green.” Brenda’s chocolate eyes filled with unquenchable warmth. “Mia is a bundle of energy. She has a full schedule of activities that don’t include her mother.”

“Typical teenager. Did you include your mother in your activities?”

Their chuckles fused, breaking any tension.

“Are we done with the questions?” A smile lingered at the corner of her lips.

“Just one more.” He covered her hand with a gentle squeeze. “Can I assume you’re free to go out with me?”

“Sure. When I have time.”

Her radiant smile reassured him.
