Page 13 of Dating Plans

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Chapter Three

Brenda studied his regular features. With his honest expression and easy-going attitude, Matt made her comfortable. He didn’t have secrets that could shatter her world ten years from now. The existence of her daughter didn’t bother him.

“Cheesecake for dessert is a must here. Which flavor would you like?”

Delicious aromas swirled around them, heralding the arrival of the scrumptious desserts. She chose a piece of black forest cheesecake and a cappuccino.

“I’ll have the same.” Matt called the waiter over and put in their orders, then checked his watch. “I need to go home after this. I work at eight, but I want to take a nap and be wide-awake for overnight surgeries or emergencies. I’ll be on-call for twenty-four hours.”

“That’s one thing I don’t do. My consultations take place between eight and five. For my daughter’s sake, I make sure I never work overtime.”

“You’re a good mom.”

“I try to be. Time will tell.”

They savored their cheesecakes and sipped their cappuccinos. Matt paid the bill and looked at her.

“Shall we go?”

She nodded, stood, and followed him to the car. To her disappointment, Matt hadn’t mentioned a second date. He drove to her house, stopped in her driveway, and climbed out to open the door for her.

“I’ll call you—”

He stopped short and arched his eyebrows.

Brenda followed his gaze and gasped at the sight of her daughter, in a skimpy bikini, sauntering onto the front lawn from the corner of the house.

“Mia, what the heck…”

“What? I was sunbathing.” She shrugged. “You never said you were bringing a man with you.”

Mortified by her daughter’s lack of clothes and her insolent attitude, Brenda felt like pushing her into the house.

“So this is your lovely daughter.”

Matt took a step forward, and Brenda fiddled with her purse, wishing he would just leave.

“Nice to meet you, Mia. I’m Dr. Matt Winston.”

Surprised, Mia smiled and took the hand he held out to her. He shook it.

“Your mom told me you resembled her. I can see she’s right. You look a lot like her when she was sixteen.”

“I do?” She glanced at her and then back to Matt. “Did you know Mom at sixteen?”

“We were classmates. I had the pleasure of meeting her again last night at our class reunion.”

“Ah, and you clicked again?”

He burst out laughing. “We weren’t exactly friends in high school. More like fierce competitors for top grades.”

“No wonder. My mom never liked long hair and beards.”

“I was a clean-shaven boy, with short hair, a junior only interested in achieving a high SAT score and going to med school.”

To give him credit, Matt didn’t glance at her daughter’s boobs overflowing her bikini bra.

Mia tilted her head and chuckled. “Now you’re making up for your wasted youth.”
