Page 14 of Dating Plans

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His expression held a sarcastic note. “I have a young brother, who’s determined to change me. Last week, he claimed that women liked long hair and beards, and insisted I should give it a try.”

“Really? Is he much younger than you?” Mia’s question denoted her interest.

“Seven years younger. Royce was the black sheep of the family. A repentant sheep now.”

“Can I meet Royce?”

Brenda frowned. She’d heard too many tales about Matt’s young brother. “What for? Matt’s brother is way too old to pay any attention to you.”

“Still… He must be fascinating, if he’s managed to convince a clean-shaven doctor to change his style at his age. Matt, can I meet your brother?”

Matt laughed. “You can meet him, if your mom allows it. Would you like to come to dinner on Tuesday? I’ll have recovered from my twenty-four-hour shift by then. Brenda?”

She swallowed her irritation at her daughter’s boldness. Soon, this girl would drive her insane.

“Mom, I want to meet Royce,” Mia snapped.

Would she ever learn to behave? “Mia—”

“Brenda, I would love to have you both.” Matt patted her hand gently. “That is, if you’re free on Tuesday evening.”

“She’s free.” Mia scoffed and rolled her eyes. “Besides, she doesn’t do much in the evening.”

Her eyes burning with frustration, Brenda glared at her daughter.

“Mia, I heard your answer. Now, I need your mother’s.”

Brenda held his gaze, her own shimmering with consideration. “About your brother, huh…”

She’d often heard about Royce’s nasty reputation and feared his rotten influence on an impressionable young girl like Mia.

“Trust me.” Matt slowly bobbed his head. “You’ll be surprised. I bet he’ll entertain us with his adventures in Asia.”

“Asia?” Mia blurted. “I absolutely have to meet him.”

Reassured by Matt’s word, Brenda gave in. “Okay. I’ll bring a dessert.”

“I won’t say no. Thank you.” He checked his watch. “I have to leave right away to get some sleep before my night shift. See you on Tuesday, at five?”

“At five.”

“Bye, ladies.” He waved and left.

Brenda sighed, wanting to rebuke her daughter, but reluctant to make a scene. Arguing with Mia drained her energy.

“How come you didn’t date him years ago? You loved clean-shaven, hard-working, smart boys.”

Taken aback by the question, Brenda chuckled and decided the truth would be her best option. “We liked each other. He was such a nice guy. Girls were dying for his attention, and I was flattered when he asked me to sit with him at the football game. But the attraction died on the first date.”


“He used me to practice his kissing technique.”

Mia’s jaw sagged. “Are you serious, Mom?”

“Yep, better not to talk about it.”

Now, too late, she wished she hadn’t said that.
