Page 20 of Dating Plans

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Her eyes filled with tears and she turned her head.

“I’m sorry. Forget my question.” He brought her against him and stroked her head, catching a whiff of her subtle scent. Combing her silky long curls in a soothing motion, he waited for her emotions to subside.

Soon, she raised her head. “I’m sorry, Matt. I’ve ruined your party.”

He offered her his most charming smile. “The lunch was for you and Mia, my guests of honor. Maybe Mia won’t like these kids, or maybe they won’t accept her.” He’d been thinking of her all day, coming up with various plans to help her. “All I can say is,wait and see.”

She chuckled. “Thank you for trying to reassure me. You were supposed to bring the meat downstairs.”

“We will, but first I’d like to restore your good mood.” He let his fingertips trace little circles on her cheek.

“You did your best so far.”

“Apparently, not enough.” He bent his head and brushed her lips in a soft kiss.

She sighed against his cheek. “You still want to kiss me after the headache I’ve given you?” Guilt filtered through her whispered words.

He frowned, wanting to beg her to enjoy life. “Can we forget the headache and kids for just two minutes?”

“Sure.” A sheepish smile brightened her face, and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

He pulled her into him and captured her mouth in a demanding kiss. Parting her lips, she responded and met his eager tongue with as much frenzy as his.

When they came up for air, he covered her face with hot kisses. His hand stroking her back, he slanted his head, nibbling her earlobe, trailing his mouth along her throat, all the way to the valley between her breasts.

Her soft moan brought him back to reality. They couldn’t give in to the excitement of the moment, not when so many people waited for them around the pool. He threw his head back and inhaled, then eased her away from him.

“Wrong time for us.”

“Us?” She shook her head. “You and I can never becomeus, Matt. My life is too complicated and doesn’t allow for any relationship.”

Disappointment trickled through him. “Brenda, my wife left me three years ago. Since then, I’ve never been attracted to a woman as I am to you.” Frustration overwhelmed him. He cradled her cheeks and kissed her again, a brazen kiss that threatened to consume them both. “See, there’s so much passion between us. I want you, but I’m a patient man, and I know you want me too.”

“No, Matt. We can’t. My daughter—”

“Shh… Your daughter is not an obstacle. Just don’t close the door in my face. Don’t push me into the thorns again.”

“The thorns… Ah…” A nervous giggle escaped her. “Seriously, Mia is my top priority,” she whispered, her voice sobering.

“Of course, Mia will always be your number one, but right now, she’s happily entertained, and I think we’re good together.”

Blood raced in his veins as he contemplated her chest, her generous breasts, heaving with erratic breathing. A tiny vein pulsed in her throat. He couldn’t resist and nibbled that vein.

“Matt, we should bring the roast and go downstairs,” she protested, yet slanted her head, offering more temptation to his kisses.

He feasted on the creamy flesh and then raised his head with a sigh. “You’re right. I’ll give you a quick tour.”

He stretched his arm, waving at the open-spaced living room that ended with an ultra-modern kitchen at one end, the dining room in between, and a balcony at the other end.

“I love your kitchen. Do you cook?”

“No one’s ever cooked here. Royce is in charge of our meals. He orders from a different restaurant every day and warms the food in the microwave.” He chuckled. “It helps keep the kitchen spotless. Come to the balcony. Have a look at the kids.”

He slid the glass doors open, and she stepped outside. The din reached them. The teenagers and Royce were in the pool swimming and diving while Susan lounged on a chair, typing on her tablet.

“Is she taking notes?” Brenda asked.

“Probably.” He shrugged and returned inside. “This hallway leads to the office and guestroom, both utilized by Royce. “He made an effort to tidy his domain for our guests. On the other side of the living room, is the master suite.” He walked her to his room and opened the door. “This is my private area.” He caught her lingering over the queen sized bed, and smiled. “Very comfortable for two,” he teased.
