Page 22 of Dating Plans

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Chapter Five

Brenda watched the two brothers fussing around the grill, preparing the steaks, onions, and vegetables. The children were having a ball in the pool, and that worried her. What would happen if after raising Mia’s expectations, she refused to let her join their group?

The poor girl would be devastated and lose what little self-confidence she had left.

“Mom,” Mia came out of the water, a bright smile on her face. Tears filled Brenda’s eyes. She hadn’t seen her smile since her last visit to her father, a year ago.

“Tayla asked me to join the health group, but Rick suggests I try theater, and Cody insists I’ll do great with his debate team. Mom,” she lowered her voice, “all three want me. Isn’t that amazing?”

“You’re a wonderful girl with a lot to offer, never doubt it.”

If only Mia could join the right crowd. If Susan’s groups could help her daughter, Brenda was ready to apologize and offer her professional service to Susan at no charge. Anything to save Mia from the gloomy path she’d been following for too long.

Susan approached them, the beautiful face revealing no expression, a cool marble statue from the Orient. “Mia, why don’t you get together with each group and observe what they’re doing? See if you like it. Theater meets on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday. Health and Debate meet Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday, at different times. Some of the kids belong to more than one group. Dr. Hammer, you’re welcome to attend with her before you sign an authorization form,” Susan declared, her tone professional and cool.

“Thank you.” Brenda turned to Mia.

The girl smiled. “Yes, I’d like to attend the meetings before making a decision. Your students are so nice, Ms. Chen. I’ve never felt so welcomed.”

“Great. Enjoy your time.”

Susan dismissed Mia with so much ease, as if she’d known her for years. “She’s so eager to make friends.” Susan stared at Brenda. “Too eager. Why does she have so little self-esteem?”

Startled, Brenda frowned. “Excuse me?”

“Dr. Hammer, there’s no need to beat around the bushes.” No frown, no snort, not a single shift on the woman’s face. Her voice remained steady. “You must know your daughter well, as a mother and a psychologist. She’s a pretty girl and looks like a smart one, but she’s not well-adjusted. Something must have caused this overwhelming desire in her to be liked, to belong. Eventually, she may confide in her new friends. If you don’t want us to know, then don’t let her join our Youth Club.”

Brenda pondered her words for a few seconds. Susan had developed a thorough experience at reading youngsters and detecting problems. She’d analyzed Mia in the hour she observed her talking to the other teenagers. Her club and teenagers could represent the best group therapy for Mia. Matt’s words echoed in her ear.The best physician, or psychologist, should not treat his own daughter.

“I don’t mind Mia talking about anything troubling her. I think your groups may help her a lot. I’d be grateful if you accepted her.”

“As I’ve previously explained, the final decision in accepting a new member is made by the welcoming committee comprised of four students from each group, like a jury. They’ll meet with the candidate three different times, listened to her reasons for wanting to join, and ask her a few questions before deciding to accept her.”

“Impressive. You’ve created some administration in your club.”

“My goal is to help each kid shine in at least one area. Everyone around me should be able to look me in the eyes, lift his or her chin, and say,I’m great at this or that.”

Brenda smiled and nodded. “That’s quite an accomplishment.”

Finally, Susan smiled. “Thank you, Dr. Hammer.”

“You can call me Brenda.”

“No, I prefer to avoid familiarity. The kids call me Ms. Chen, and I’ll continue to call you Dr. Hammer. Who knows, we may work together?”

She nodded. Susan had accepted her unspoken apology and decided to forget their previous argument.

Soon the smoky aroma of grilling meat stirred her appetite.

“The meat is ready,” Royce called. “Susan, do we need to warm your food?”

“No, it’s been in warmers the whole time. I’ll call the kids.” She walked to the pool and clapped her hands. “Out of the pool, guys. Food is ready.”

The teenagers swam to the various stairs and climbed out, Mia following.

“Dry yourselves and wear something to sit and have dinner.”

Again they instantly obeyed, including Mia.
