Page 31 of Dating Plans

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Chapter Seven

Brenda waited until she saw Matt enter the elevator, and then approached the reception counter where Maggie locked the laptop into a drawer.

“Did you give him an appointment?”

“Next Wednesday. There was nothing available this week.”

They left the clinic together, and rode the elevator to the garage.

“Goodnight. See you tomorrow.”

She got in her car, and Maggie walked over to hers. After exiting the garage, Brenda headed toward the highway. As soon as she saw Maggie turn into the street leading to the back roads she preferred, Brenda made a U-turn and returned to the medical building. She took the elevator to the floor beneath her clinic and found Matt sitting on the bench in the small landing.

“Come on.” She held the elevator for him, and they returned to the clinic.

Matt glanced at the ceiling. “You left the lights on?”

“We always do.” She opened the clinic, entered, and locked the door behind them. “The cleaning company comes at eight-thirty to clean all the building’s offices.”

She walked him over to the consultation room they’d just vacated a few minutes ago, and locked the door behind them.

“When do they leave?”

“Maybe two hours later.” She set her handbag on the desk, removed her jacket and hung it on the back of a chair. “After they leave, the security guard does his rounds and switches off all the lights. He’ll switch them on again at seven a.m.”

“So we can have some peace until eight, correct?”

“Correct.” Suppressing a smile, she peered at his eye-catching figure. In his dark pants, white shirt and blue tie, this man was too attractive for his own good—and hers. His hair looked shorter than it had three weeks ago. A golden lock grazed his eyebrow but didn’t hide his deep blue eyes anymore. He still had his light beard and the sweet smile that would turn cocky when he teased her.

“I brought us pops and chocolate bars for sustenance from a vending machine.” He snapped open the cans and handed her one, then clicked against it with his. “To my beautiful shrink.”

“This is coming at the right time.” Chuckling, she tore the wrapper off her chocolate bar and took a big bite. “I’m starved.”

“Next time I’ll bring you dinner.”

Next time?Was he planning on visiting her clinic after-hours often?

“Your secretary almost gave me a heart attack. Not that I care about being caught by a stranger in a compromising position. But I was worried about you, her boss, particularly when we were absolutely innocent.”

“You mean we hadn’t sinned yet when she entered.”

“Exactly.” His eyes glittered with amusement. He curled an arm around her neck and pulled her against him. “If I remember correctly we were kissing when that woman so rudely interrupted us.” His eyes blazed down into hers.

Ready to surrender, Brenda touched her lips to his. “You asked me to kiss you and I did.” She trailed one finger along his cheek, loving the roughened feel of his beard.

“So now I should return your kiss.”

Her eyelids shuttered and goose bumps covered her arms.

Wide warm lips covered hers and the tip of his tongue slid against her teeth, colliding, and tangling with her tongue. She closed her eyes and let the warmth and want roll over her, and returned the steamy kiss.

He tunneled his fingers through her hair and removed her barrette, combing her long curls freely on her back. Enjoying the feel of his lips along her throat, she wound her arms around his neck, not releasing her hold when he glided to the sofa and sat, pulling her down onto his lap.

His mouth returned to her face, covering her cheeks and temples with searing kisses.

“I’ll treasure this sofa forever.” His voice rang with barely concealed laughter.

She sighed. “I’ll never be able to ask a patient to lie down here again.”
