Page 32 of Dating Plans

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Inching to the corner of her mouth, he licked her lips. “I want you so badly.” He followed his admission with a long, wet, hungry kiss. His hand slid to her chest, unbuttoned two pearl buttons, and covered her breast. Her nipple pebbled against his palm, pulling groans of pleasure from both their throats.

Blood rushed through her head and tingles surged within her entire body. She tightened her hold around his neck as he undid the other buttons and peeled her shirt away. His breathing loud, he lowered his head and traced the contour of her lace bra with hot kisses.

She grabbed his arms, squeezing. “Can I do the same?” she whispered.

“I’m all yours.”

He inched away and opened his arms, his gaze burning her with its intensity.

She loosened his tie, and slipped it off his neck, then worked on his shirt. He shimmied out of it and waited for her next call as she stared at his bare chest. Her heart beating a staccato, she bent and sucked on one nipple and then the other, and then lifted her head, meeting his eyes.

“Don’t worry. We’re good together, babe.” His charming smile radiated tenderness.

Relaxed, she smiled back, silently granting him permission to proceed. He lowered her on to the sofa and knelt next to it. Bending over her, he unclasped her bra, slid it off, admiring her breasts. “You’re beautiful…perfect.”

His hands cupped her breasts, gently squeezing and kneading. Soon his mouth replaced his fingers. She moaned and whispered crazy words. “Yes… No… Enough.”

He lifted his head. “Not enough. More. Yes?”

“Yes… More,” she babbled.

His fingers deftly unzipped her pants and lowered both pants and underwear. Hot kisses skated over her waist and belly and singed her flesh. His hand glided over her mound, pressed and caressed, a finger exploring her warm wetness, rubbing and teasing her swollen nub.

A bolt of lightning surged through her head.

“Matt… Ah Matt,” she moaned. “Come, please.”

He shed his own pants and boxers, and protected himself.

She opened her arms, and he lay over her, crushing her breasts under the hardness of his chest. Kissing her mouth, caressing the hard tip of her breast, he cupped his hand under her butt, and lifted her to meet his hard erection, sliding and digging deeper with every thrust. Arching into him and writhing, she moaned under the sweet torture. Head buried against her throat, he gathered her tightly.

Pleasure rocked through them, and they unraveled with a staggering climax.

He collapsed on her, kissing her closed eyes, and she wrapped her leg around his hips, wishing she could spend the night snuggled in his arms.


“Brenda, babe, are you okay?” Matt raised his head and caressed her cheek.

“Feeling great.” She exhaled and feathered light kisses on his face. “And you?”

“I wish I could keep you in my arms until morning.”

“Wistful wish. We have to vacate the place soon, and I have to be at U.C. before eight.”

“Why don’t I drive you?” They could enjoy a happy repeat. He drove faster than she did, and she could relax next to him.

She shook her head. “Matt, no one should see us together as a couple.”

He lifted his eyebrows. “Why not? We’re both unattached and free to do as we please.”

“I’m not.” The sadness in her voice worried him.

He rolled aside and sat, pulling her up into his arms. “I don’t understand.”

“I got custody of my daughter after I signed an agreement to avoid any kind of relationship until she’s in college.”

“Is that what that sleaze asked you to do when you left him?”
