Page 42 of Dating Plans

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“Hey, I worked as a teacher in Thailand, and I’ve helped Susan at the Youth Club. It’s my way of repaying her for saving my life.”

Two days before the party, Mia called to thank him for inviting her and her friends from the club. “Dr. Matt, this is a terrific idea, allowing us to get together before we disperse for the summer vacation.” She sounded thrilled. “My friends at the Youth Club are delighted to come, and I’ll be able to spend time with Cody before I leave with my dad. Dr. Matt, you’re such a wonderful doctor.”

“I’m glad to see you happy, Mia. I hope you and your friends will have fun and will behave.”

“Don’t worry, Dr. Matt. Count on Ms. Chen to issue a few orders and keep everyone in line.”

Susan did better than issuing a few orders. She sent an email with strict directives and the threat of dismissal from the Youth Club to anyone who misbehaved or ignored her guidelines.

On the day of the party, Matt opened the glass door to the balcony to check the weather and raised his arms in relief at the glorious sunshine and temperature in the lower eighties. The kids would have a blast in the pool.

Finally, the last exam was over for everyone. Brenda and her daughter arrived a few minutes before three, Brenda in shorts, a printed blouse, and a straw hat, and Mia in shorts and t-shirt, a ponytail bouncing on her back.

Mia threw her arms around him in a big hug. “I don’t know how to thank you, Dr. Matt.”

Behind her, Brenda followed her daughter’s example and hugged him.

“Missed you like hell,” he whispered.

“Me, too.” Her sweet smile filled him with happiness.

“What can I do to help?” she added louder.

“Just relax, enjoy the party, and keep an eye on our young guests. So far everything is under control.”

Ten minutes later, the terrace had filled with a joyful crowd, the kids chatting and laughing, getting ready to swim. Five security guards paced at the various exits of the terrace. Three parent couples relaxed at umbrella-shaded tables, sipping cans of pop. To simplify the task of supervision, Susan had requested a no-alcohol rule at the party.

Mia was already in the pool with Cody by her side. At the opposite end, Brenda had shed her shorts and shirt and sat at the edge of the pool, next to Susan, their feet dangling in the water.

Royce had been right. Matt hadn’t exchanged two sentences with Brenda in the last two hours. He crouched next to them.

“Dr. Winston, you’ve done a great job.” Susan’s chin jutted toward the various grills where the catering crew busied themselves grilling burgers and hotdogs.

“Susan, I owe you a big thanks,” Brenda said. “Mia’s spent only a month as a member of your club, but I can see the difference in her. She’s more relaxed and easier to handle. She’s eager to tell me everything and ready to listen, and she’s already acquired more self-confidence than she had.”

Matt nodded, pleased by the girl’s change and by Brenda’s approval of Susan’s terrific job with the teens.

“Yes, I noticed that, too.” Susan glanced at Brenda, her eyes narrowed. “Does she ever see her father?”

The elusive father concerned Matt even more.

“Sure, she does. Tomorrow, she’s leaving on a vacation with him.”

“Oh, okay. She doesn’t talk about him. I’m glad there’s no problem there.”

Actually, neither Mia nor her mother broached that subject.

Royce interrupted them, announcing that the food was ready. The caterers would serve the burgers and hot-dogs to groups of ten, one group at a time.

After dinner, the kids organized water games, until seven when he called them over for an ice cream cone dessert.

“I’m driving Mia to the airport at two tomorrow afternoon,” Brenda told him as they said their goodbyes and thanked him for an amazing party.

“Call me after you drop her,” he whispered, hugging her.


The next day, he must have checked his watch a dozen times waiting for her to call. By two o’clock he exhaled heavily. They had to be at the airport. By three, he debated whether to call her, or wait longer.
