Page 46 of Dating Plans

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“On St. John Island?” She’d heard about his father’s fabulous boat.

“Nope. Dad would monopolize my time by having me visit and possibly working in his clinic. I’m thinking about Miami Beach.”

“Wherever you want. Organize the whole thing while I’m busy with Mia.”

He’d agreed to stay away and allow her a much needed mother-daughter time.


On Saturday, they shared a lunch at the Montgomery Inn Boathouse downtown. Mia’s plane landed at five p.m. After a long stroll through the park, interrupted by many kisses, Brenda headed for the airport, and Matt drove to his hospital to begin his shift.

“I had a wonderful time with Dad,” Mia declared as they drove home.

A bit alarmed, Brenda prompted her for details. “Tell me about it.” Knowing Tyron’s weird tastes, she hoped he would remember their daughter was only sixteen and quite vulnerable.

Mia launched into a detailed description of her trip and sightseeing, adorned with her impressions and comments.

By midnight, Brenda begged for mercy. “You can show me the pictures tomorrow. You must be exhausted.”

“Not at all. But I can use some time to text my friends.”

“Go ahead, sweetie.” She badly needed some quiet time.

Mia spent the rest of the week packing her trunk and suitcases for camp and chatting with her friends, and then having dinner with Brenda in the evening.

“Mom, where’s Dr. Matt? Does he know I’m going away for two months?”

Startled, Brenda nodded.

“Why don’t you invite him for dinner tomorrow night?”

“But we need our time together.”

“So? We can still share a dinner with him. I’m calling him.”

Two minutes later, she spun toward Brenda with a triumphant smile.

“He said he was sure I was going to call him and can’t wait to hear about my vacation with Dad.”

Damn it.

“And he said you don’t have to cook. He’s taking us out to dinner. I chose the Montgomery Inn on the river.”

Brenda sighed. They were there last week.

“Dr. Matt will pick us up at five tomorrow. For once, don’t be late at work, Mom. I’m wearing my blue dress.”

“Ah.” Her nicest dress. What was Mia concocting?


When Matt stopped in Brenda’s driveway, and went out to open the passenger and rear doors for his guests, Mia threw her arms around his neck. “I missed you, Dr. Matt.”

He hugged her and her mother, and laughed. “I’m sure you were too busy to miss me of all people.”

“I sure did. I told Dad all about you and the fantastic party you organized for me and my friends.”

“You did?” Brenda’s screech echoed his voice.
