Page 51 of Dating Plans

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He shrugged. “It was her lucky day. You were busy with Mia, and I was feeling lonely, spending all my time at the clinic or the hospital. So what the heck? I attended her procedure. Not a big deal. She’s delighted with the result. Now, I have another problem on my hands.”

Quite dismayed, he shook his head.

“What problem?”

“Her best friends, Hanna and Jacquie, want the same.”

Brenda burst out laughing. “No way.”

His little gossip had snatched her out of her gloom.

“So are you taking care of them, too?”

“I have no choice, but Heidi couldn’t book them until October.”

“You’re way too nice, Matt.” Her professional thinking seemed to have replaced her previous motherly concern. “You let people take advantage of you.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Are you?”

“Probably. You drove four hours to spare me the trouble.” She stroked his arms. “I don’t know how to thank you.”

“No need for thanks. I was happy to do it for my two favorite girls.”

They arrived in Covington. He exited the highway and drove to a riverfront lot. After parking, he held her hand and led her down the sidewalk.

“There’s a Chinese restaurant over here with the bestchow meinnoodles you can ever imagine.”

“You’ve come here before?”

“Many times.”

She stopped short, gaping. “Why did you have me search through the Internet?”

He stopped and cradled her face. “You were about to cry. I had to distract you.”

“And the story about Jocelyn was to distract me, too?”

He nodded. Damn it, he wasn’t in the habit of disclosing patient information.

“Matt, you’re amazing.”

Ignoring the passer-byes, he kissed her. “When are you going to believe I care about you?”

“I believe you.” She kissed him. “And I love you so much.”

His arm around her back, he ushered her to the restaurant and asked for a table for two. After the hostess sat them at a booth, they ordered beer and helped themselves to the buffet.

“This is delicious.” Matt muttered between bites, glad that Brenda had recovered her calm.


Brenda watched Matt gulp his noodles like a starved puppy enjoying his favorite bone.

Recently, he’d gone out of his way for her and her daughter. With Mia aware of and approving of their relationship, Brenda didn’t worry about being seen with Matt. Her ex-boyfriend wouldn’t dare take Mia to Chicago for her senior year and risk her flunking out in a foreign environment.

Mia’s stern warning about Matt echoed in her mind. “Mom, don’t lose him. He’s the best man on earth.”

No kidding, Mia.
