Page 60 of Dating Plans

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“I should be, right?” She shook her head. “She’s probably calling Cody.”

“Of course.” Matt shrugged. “She hasn’t stopped talking to us for two hours. Now, she’ll repeat the same stories and more to her friends.” He opened the fridge. “I’ll make myself at home with a beer.” Holding out two cans, he added, “Let’s sit on the porch. We need some peace and quiet.”

She chuckled and switched on the oven. “I’ll just warm up the lasagna and join you. So glad to have you here, Matt. She’s just back and already driving me crazy.”

Holding a big pan, she placed it in the oven.

“Why? She hasn’t done anything wrong.” He handed her a can. “Relax,” he added as they settled on the porch swing and guzzled their beer.

Soon, he realized the futility of his advice and covered her hand with his palm. Did a mother ever stop worrying about her only child, especially after they’d been both hurt?

Head resting on the back of the swing he absorbed nature’s sounds—birds chirping, a bark in the distance, a car pulling into a gravel driveway. Brenda had closed her eyes, but the light frown between her eyebrows betrayed her continuous concern.

“Are you all right, you two?” Mia’s voice startled them.

Matt opened his eyes. “Just relaxing.”

“Can we eat now, Mom? I’m starving.”

He glanced at Brenda who sighed.

“The food is ready. I’ll get the pan.”

“We’ll help you.”

Tossing a look at Mia, Matt stood and stepped into the kitchen. She followed him.

“Mom, what can I get?”

“The salad bowl out of the fridge. Matt, you can grab the lasagna from the oven. I’ll bring the plates and silverware. Come back and get your drinks.”

A moment later, they settled around the table on the porch and savored Brenda’s lasagna.

Mia offered him her sweetest smile. “Dr. Matt, I want to ask you a favor.”

Hoping it wouldn’t be something that upset her mother, he arched his eyebrows. “Shoot.”

“Well, I haven’t seen Cody in ages. Can we spend the day at your condo’s pool?”

He turned to Brenda who nodded. The kids would be safer and better behaved in the building’s pool than alone in her house or elsewhere.

“No problem. I’ll notify the reception desk.”

“Thank you, Dr. Matt. You’re the best. I’m glad you’re dating Mom. Although…” she stopped short, her gaze flitting from Matt to Brenda. “I really don’t see how you found time to go out together. Mom was continuously driving me to school, to my meetings at U.C., to the club party on Saturday.”

Matt waited passively for Brenda to answer the tricky question.

“We met on Saturdays, when you were at your party.”

“That’s it? Mom, a loving relationship can’t survive on a few measly dates.”

“Oh yeah, Miss Know-it-all?” Lips pursed, Brenda threw her hands up. “Since when have you become the expert on dating and loving relationship?”

Mia offered them a smug smile. “I’ve spent the two months at camp thoroughly studying the subject. You have to nurture a relationship for it to grow and mature.”

Brenda’s jaw sagged, and Matt coughed to refrain from laughing.

Unperturbed, Mia continued, “I’d suggest you meet more often. Keep the convenient Saturday evenings and get-together once a week for dinner. I have an idea, Mom.”
