Page 62 of Dating Plans

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Chapter Fourteen

With tear filled eyes, Brenda watched the school bus pull away. This would be the last year her daughter would live at home, the last year Brenda could keep her under her wing, protect her, and spoil her.

Mia seemed more enthusiastic about going back to school than she had in the previous years. The Youth Club and Cody’s friendship had restored her self-confidence and joyful attitude.

In fact, Mia came home from her first day at school quite pleased with herself. “It looks like Emily, the girl from camp, has already spread the news that I have a boyfriend.”

Brenda shrugged. “What difference does that make?” She’d never had a boyfriend in high school.

“Instead of treating me like the lowest of the low, now the girls chat with me, and the boys have stopped avoiding me—even Nick, Alex, and Ben who acted as though I had the plague last year.”

“They’re jerks. I’d ignore them if I were you.”

“I am, and I’ll continue to do that.”

A few days later, the Youth Club gathered its members for a new year of duties and fun. Between her studies and club activities, Mia had a full schedule, which she gladly embraced, especially considering she met up with Cody every day. Brenda appreciated the energetic teen who treated her daughter with love and respect—the way Matt treated her.

To Brenda’s relief, the first month at school continued on a positive note and reassured her about her daughter’s well-being.

With Matt visiting or entertaining them on Wednesday evenings, and Mia happily busy with her club, Brenda finally relaxed enough to consider a future with the man of her dreams.

The first Wednesday of October, Matt and Mia gathered around the dining room table where Brenda set a big plate of seafood paella she’d cooked for the occasion.

“Delicious,” Matt declared, after savoring a few bites. “Before I forget, I got tickets for the ballet. It’s ten days away—a Friday.”

Mia flipped a hand. “Sorry. I can’t. I’m busy that Friday.”

“Come on,” Brenda retorted. “You’re with Cody almost daily, one evening won’t—”

“Nothing to do with Cody, Mom. We have the school homecoming dance.”

“You’ve never been interested in those events.”

“That’s because no one ever invited me. Now, four boys have asked me to go with them, and the girls say I have a good chance of being nominated homecoming queen. I’m becoming popular. Finally.”

“You sure you want to go? Cody doesn’t mind?” Brenda insisted.

“I haven’t told him yet. I don’t know how he’ll react. But I want to go. It’s important to me. You never went to homecoming, Mom, but I’m sure Dr. Matt understands.”

“I never went either, Mia. I was a nerd in high school.”

Mia huffed. “You, too? You and my mom are two of a kind. I don’t understand why you two never dated.”

“Because the one time I tried to kiss her, she pushed me into the bushes.” His lips curved in a disgusted arch.

Mia burst out laughing, and they joined her. “Mom told me the story.”

“She did?” Matt spun toward Brenda, a horrified look on his face. “You gossiped about it?”

“No, no, Dr. Matt. She didn’t give me any details.”

Hearing her daughter defend her, Brenda inhaled, a warm feeling swelling her chest.

“All right. I trust you. Coming back to your homecoming, Mia, why is it so important to you?”

“This is the first time my classmates have asked me to attend something instead of pushing me away. Mom, you’ve always told me to stand my ground, to be my own woman. I’ll tell Cody the day before.” She chuckled. “That way, he won’t have too long to grumble.”

“You may risk losing him.” With a single wag of her finger, Brenda managed to convey her disapproval.
