Page 64 of Dating Plans

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At the Aronoff Center for the Arts, Matt led Brenda to the red-carpeted foyer bustling with a sparkling crowd in elegant dresses and suits. Under the glittering light, her silver dress provided a dramatic backdrop to the dark mane curling down her back. She was a vision, a dream come true. He summoned every bit of self-control to unglue his gaze from her alluring curves and cup her elbow.

“Come, we’d better find our places.”

A hostess showed them to their seats and gave them performance brochures to browse through.

“Swan Lake consists of four acts with a short intermission in the middle,” Brenda commented.

“The performance lasts until nine.” They might be able to grab a drink at the bar.

Soon, the house lights dimmed. Tchaikovsky’s glorious music, played by the Philharmonic orchestra, began. The stage curtain rose on a palace courtyard where nobles and townspeople danced to celebrate the prince’s birthday.

Brenda’s phone blipped several times. Damn it. She dug out her phone from her purse and read,So much fun. Mia h.c. queen. Yeah.

“Wow, they chose her, Matt. She’s the homecoming queen.”

“Great,” Matt whispered.

“She’s having fun.”

The shhs came from front and rear.

“Turn off your phone, please,” Matt begged.


Relieved that Mia was having a great time, he exhaled and hoped Brenda would relax and enjoy the show.

On stage, the ballerinas in white tutus danced in unison, expressing the captivating romance between Prince Siegfried and the Swan Queen Odette. Impressed by the superb dancing and beautiful sets, Brenda slid her hand in his and immersed herself in the immortal music and amazing dancing.

“That was fabulous.” She beamed, clapping hands when the dancers bowed.

“It’s only nine-fifteen. We can have a drink at the bar.” He didn’t want their beautiful evening to end.

“Just a light one then. A whiskey sour maybe.”

He led her to a niche with small round tables at the end of the foyer and went to get two drinks.

“To you my lovely, Brenda.” He clinked his glass against hers.

They drank, watched people go by, and chatted about the performance.

At ten o’clock, Matt requested his car from the valet.

As he drove on the highway, Brenda pulled out her phone. “I should switch it on.” She gasped. “What’s all this?”


“Texts from Mia.”

Mom come get me.

Where are you?

Mom, please come.

“Oh God, Matt, what’s happened?” Her voice shaking, Brenda continued, “Mia texted several times at nine, nine ten, nine twenty.” She browsed some more.

“Did she call?”
