Page 66 of Dating Plans

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Chapter Fifteen

Approaching the nurses’ station, Brenda took a deep breath. The bitter smell of antiseptic, with undertones of artificial soaps and cleaners, assailed her. She swallowed her tears, knowing she would need a clear head to help her daughter.

“Excuse me, ma’am. I’m looking for Mia Hammer Clark. I’m her mother, Dr. Hammer.”

“Room 4.”

“Thank you.” Brenda rushed toward the room and bumped into Matt.

“She’s not in the room. They’ve taken her for an MRI. I just talked to a nurse.”

“What are her injuries?”

“They’re not sure yet. They’ll know better after the MRI.” He averted his gaze.

She grabbed his arm. “Are you telling me the truth? Is there anything else?”

“Mia was in a car with three other kids—no parents.”

“What? Why?” Her mind whirled in bewilderment. “Where were Emily’s parents? Who are these kids?”

“The boy driving was Nick Blacken. She was sitting beside him. Emily was in the back with another boy, Tom Marren. That’s all I’ve learned from Stacy, the nurse who took care of Mia.”

“Oh my God. I’m sure she didn’t want to ride with those kids. That’s why she texted me to come and get her.”

She shut her eyes, clenching and unclenching her fingers. How could she ever forgive herself for not staying home to wait for Mia?

His hand tightened around her wrist. “Brenda, I’ll get my scrubs from the car and change. I want to be ready to take care of Mia if I’m needed. Bethesda is one ofmyhospitals.”

He had privileges and had often conducted surgeries here. The staff knew him. He turned to a nurse passing by. “Stacy, can you please bring a pair of socks for Dr. Hammer? She needs to remove her heels.”

“Thanks.” Brenda sat on a bench in the hallway, took off her pumps, and replaced them with the hospital socks, while Matt ran out to the parking lot.

An officer approached her. “Ms. Hammer?”


“Are you the mother of Mia Hammer Clark?”


“I’m Sheriff Turner. I notified you about the accident. I have a few questions for you.” He didn’t wait for her acquiescence. “You drove your daughter to school for the homecoming dance. Did you drive anyone else?

“Yes, her classmate Emily Alvery, and her younger brother, Nate.”

“Why didn’t you drive them home?”

“Because the kids told me Emily’s mother would be driving them back. I told Mia to call me in case she’d wanted to come back earlier.”

Sheriff Turner thumbed in his phone. “Did she call you?”

“Yes, at nine, nine ten, nine twenty, telling me to come and get her. Unfortunately, I was at the ballet downtown. I turned off my phone at seven, after she texted me the party was a lot of fun.”

“Have you deleted her texts?”

“No. Here they are.” She showed him the first text and the other three. “I realized my phone was off at ten and turned it on right away. That’s when I got your message.”

“Ms. Hammer, Emily’s parents claim you insisted on driving the kids both ways. You changed your mind when you went to the theater with your boyfriend.”
