Page 7 of Dating Plans

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She shook her head vigorously. “Like you, I’ve changed my mind.”

“After we talked about the sofa in your office?”

Her laughter burst against his throat like a joyful caress, sobering, and yet exciting. He twirled her around. Touching his chin to her cheek, he continued the dance silently, attuned to her rapid breathing, the warmth of her hand in his, and the pressure of her breasts against his chest.

For the first time since his wife had left him, he was tempted to kiss a woman. At the end of the dance, he brushed his lips across her temple.

“Let’s get an after-dinner drink and mingle.”

“Good idea,” she replied too quickly.

At the bar, he looked at her. “What can I get you?”

“Amaretto with lots of ice.”

“Good choice.” He ordered two glasses, paid for them, and handed her one.

“Thank you.” She reached for her purse.

He stilled her hand. “Don’t. It’s just a drink.” He raised his glass and clinked it against hers. “It was great seeing you again, Brenda.”

If Royce were here, he would’ve tugged her over to a private place for more fun. Not him. He wasn’t a one-night stand kind of man, and he wasn’t ready to start a relationship.

He surveyed the crowded ballroom, the throng of couples on the dance floor, the people bustling around the bar, and frowned. The roar of the crowd banged on his temple. Loud music, indistinct chatter, and strident laughter created an unbearable cacophony. He swallowed the rest of his amaretto, ready to excuse himself and leave.

“Matt, Brenda, we were looking for you.” Jocelyn’s voice grated on his nerves.

Brenda spun toward their former classmate. “Why? What’s going on?”

“The photographer is taking pictures of each table. You have to come back.”

Brenda glanced at him, waiting for his decision.

“All right…” He threw his palms up. “If wehaveto be in the picture.”

He followed the two women back to the table, assessing Brenda’s gentle sway, a force pulling him into her wake against his will.
