Page 71 of Dating Plans

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Chapter Sixteen

Around six in the morning, Matt called a nurse to move Mia to a room on the floor. He’d examined her earlier and had studied her vitals. Her recovery was proceeding normally, and he’d had her admitted to a private room on the fourth floor.

Like a zombie, his hand supporting her elbow, Brenda followed her daughter’s bed. Once in the room, she collapsed into the armchair nearest the window.

Around seven, he left her and Mia sound asleep and paid a visit to the chief of surgery to announce he would be available for moonlighting at Bethesda for the next three days.

Always looking for extra help, Dr. Mac Gowen thanked him profusely. “We have four young patients, victims of an accident, who need to be checked on this morning.”

“I’ll take care of them. Last night, I operated on one of the injured kids.” He asked for their medical reports.

While heading to the cafeteria, he called his nurse Heidi to inform her he would be working at Bethesda Hospital and could be reached on his phone. He then sent a text to his partner with the same information.

In the cafeteria, he bought two bagels with cream cheese and coffee and returned to Mia’s room.

With the tray in his hands, he pushed open the door left ajar, stepped into the room, and froze. His eyes widened and then narrowed at the couple embracing near Mia’s bed.

A tall man with a blond ponytail and a beard held Brenda, her head cuddled against his shoulder. The stranger was hugging her and stroking her back, with a lover’s familiarity that twisted Matt’s insides with jealous pain. Wasn’t Brenda his and only his?

With a huge effort, Matt coached himself to calm down and placed the tray on the side table, then he cleared his throat as loudly as possible. Finally, the couple spun toward him.

Brenda smiled and waved. “Matt, let me introduce Tyron Clark, Mia’s dad. Tyron,” she added, “this is my boyfriend, Dr. Matt Winston.”

What a heartwarming scene! Apparently back in control of her emotions, Brenda had no trouble hugging her former boyfriend and introducing him to her present one.

Matt gritted his teeth to avoid cursing.

Tyron stepped forward and held out his hand. “Glad to meet you, Dr. Matt. I heard a lot about you from Mia.”

Matt mentally kicked himself into action and shook the man’s hand. “Hi Tyron, nice to meet you.” He forced himself to be civil, although he wished the man to hell. “How’s my little patient?” His blood pounding, he turned to the bed to avoid looking at the woman he loved and her friendly ex.

“She woke up and asked for water. Hardly a mumble,” Brenda explained. “I gave her a drink with the straw. Is that okay?”

“Yes, good. I have other patients to see now.” And he needed to get out of this room before he lost the tiny control he had on his temper.

“Will you be staying around?”

Now that Tyron was back and obviously welcome, there was no reason for Matt to linger. Brenda had relaxed and bonded with Mia’s father, a touching family reunion at the side of their injured daughter’s bed.

Without turning toward them, Matt scowled. “I’ve arranged to work at Bethesda for the next three days.”

“Thank you, Matt. I feel better knowing you’re here.”

Brenda’s hand stroked his back and skated to his arm. Was she going to hug him the way she’d hugged her ex? Raw and primitive anger overwhelmed him. “I better check on my next patient.” He glanced at her and spun away.

“Dr. Matt,” Tyron’s voice stopped him midway to the door. “I can’t thank you enough for taking care of Mia.”

The elusive father thanking him? That was the last straw.

Out in the hallway, Matt heaved a deep sigh. Why was he so upset? Tyron had been polite, even affable. Not one word out of line.

What was wrong with Matt?

Everything was wrong. He’d expected the former boyfriend to be a selfish monster who’d pushed her to run away from his side. Not the civil and considerate Tyron Clark who comforted Brenda, worried about Mia, and thanked Matt. Maybe Tyron regretted his mistake. Maybe he’d already asked for forgiveness, and had promised he would do everything possible to atone for his previous sin. Hadn’t he driven overnight the moment he’d learned of the accident?

This man was dangerous, capable of snatching back his former girlfriend and regrouping his family—and destroying Matt and Brenda’s love.

Matt rubbed his forehead to erase a brewing headache.
