Page 80 of Dating Plans

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“She’s been moved to ICU.”

“What? Why?”

“Brenda, calm down.” Matt approached her. “I ordered the transfer. She made a superhuman effort this morning, talking too long to the detective. Her BP skyrocketed and her oxygen level dropped. In ICU she’s under constant supervision. No visitors are allowed except for her parents.”

“Is that all, Matt? Is she in danger?” She grabbed his shoulders and sank against his chest, consumed with sobs.

His arms wrapped around her for a few seconds, then he eased her away. “She’ll be okay, Brenda. Trust me.”

“Why?” She stared at him, her head about to burst. Why was her daughter in ICU? Why was he pushing her away? Why?

Still in scrubs, a surgical cap on his head, he gave them a quick report. “Her vitals are weak but improving. I want to avoid complications. Her lungs, ribs, and face need all the rest they can get. It’ll take time. We need to be patient.”

“Is she asleep?”

He nodded. “After you left, she was whining in pain. The floor attending upped the pain killer. When I examined her later, I decided she’d progress faster in ICU.”

“Can I see her?”

“Sure. I’ll take you there. You can go in the ICU room, but only one of you at a time.”

Damn it, he was so formal, so stern, almost intimidating. She felt like shaking him, punching him. They followed him to the elevator, to the second floor, and entered the ICU. Brenda winced at the scary silence often interrupted by the beeping of monitors and machines.

“I’ll wait outside,” Tyron said. “Go with Matt.”

Matt led her through a hallway where glass wall allowed a view of the special care room and the high risk patients in need of specialized care. They stepped into Mia’s room. She was asleep.

“Her vitals are improving. Much better than after the detective’s visit.”

Her heart twisting in pity, Brenda studied her daughter’s face covered by bandages. “Is she in pain?”

“Not now,” he answered without hesitation. “She’s heavily sedated with analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs. A nurse is monitoring her vitals around the clock. Don’t worry, Brenda. I wasn’t taking any chances.”

“Thank you, Matt. I know you’re taking good care of her.” Holding his gaze, she placed her hands on his shoulders and laced her fingers behind his neck.

He brought her against him. “I want you to trust me and stop crying.” He smiled, the gentle smile she missed so much.

“I’m trying.” She sniffled. “It’s difficult to see my daughter suffering.”

Just when she was hoping he would kiss her, or hug her, he suddenly released her. “Is Tyron helping you?”

“He’s doing his best.” Recalling Tyron’s care, she smiled. “When we went home, he insisted I go to bed, brought me a Tylenol to help me relax and sleep. Later, he woke me at six and prepared tea and sandwiches.”

“I’m glad you’re in good hands. I’m sure Tyron will do his best to comfort and support you during this difficult time.”

Puzzled, she frowned. “Yes, of course. His presence will help Mia.”

“Right, and we should think only of Mia. She needs me as a doctor, but she needs her mom and dad even more.”

What was he getting at? “Yes, but—”
