Page 82 of Dating Plans

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Matt narrowed his eyes. How like Mia to take her wishes for reality. “But your Dad rushed to your side and to be with your mom to support her. He probably misses your previous family life.”

Mia shrugged. “Dad is a quiet man. He never talks about himself. Even when we were on vacation together, he told me a lot about his childhood friendship with Mom, but nothing about his present life.”

His childhood friendship with Brenda?

“I thought they’d met when they’d worked together.”

“They worked together, but they were neighbors from the time he was eleven, and she was eight. He was always her best friend. She didn’t like her stepfather and used to run to Dad to complain or to ask him to fix her toys. Her mother died when she was seventeen, and her stepfather remarried six months later. She went to Dad crying. He took her to Chicago with him where she attended college, and they lived together.”

Her best friend. And later her boyfriend. Why on earth did she stop loving him?

“I shouldn’t have let you talk so much. Now, listen to me. When you go home, you’ll have a physical therapist coming in several times a week to help you exercise.”

“Dr. Matt, I’m not going to school with my face like this,” she said firmly.

He nodded. “I’ve already sent a medical certificate with a letter to your principal requesting that you be allowed to follow classes and take exams on line.”

“Thank you so much. One more thing. Can I receive visitors at home?”

He arched his eyebrows.

“Please, Dr. Matt, I miss Cody. Mom said Ms. Chen called her and asked if Cody could visit. Mom said no.”

He couldn’t help smiling at her pitiful begging.

“That was last week. He’ll be allowed to visit at home, but only for an hour to start. And Mia, no long chat, and no kisses…yet. I don’t want problems with your face before the next surgery.”

She lowered her head. “Okay. You tell him. I don’t want him to think—”

“You can be sure I’ll tell him.”

“With my boyfriend beside me, I’ll improve much faster,” Mia crooned.

He chuckled, wishing he could have his girlfriend beside him. He’d withdrawn to allow her to bond with her former lover, and mend their broken relationship, but she didn’t seem happy according to Mia. Should he ignore the man who didn’t know how to make her happy?

True to his word, Matt discharged Mia the following day and met with her parents in her room with a long list of recommendations.

“Keep a walker next to your bed,” he started, and Brenda thumbed his instructions into her phone. “Keep your back straight when you walk. Keep the oxygen canula in your nostrils when you talk. No visit for more than an hour. Avoid lengthy chat. Sit in a comfortable chair when working on your laptop or tablet. Stop immediately if you get tired.”

“Okay, okay. I understand,” Mia grumbled.

“Mia, these orders aren’t to annoy you. Remember if you don’t follow them, you’ll be delaying your next surgery,” Matt warned her with a stern tone.

“Yes, I know. I promise I’ll follow them.”

“Your physical therapist will come to your house and work with you for two hours. She’s starting tomorrow.”

He surveyed his audience, Mia’s excited gaze, Brenda’s pale resigned face, Tyron’s blank features.

“From her health point of view, Mia doesn’t need babysitting, as long as you leave her some food to eat. She’s smart enough to look after her own interests from now on.”

“Do you think I can go back to work?” Brenda asked eagerly.

“Anytime.” He wished he could add Tyron could go home, too—the sooner the better.

“Can Cody come to visit?” Mia said, her glance narrowing on her mother.

“He sure can,” Matt answered, “but for an hour maximum. Let him do the talking. Remember to avoid lengthy chats and keep the oxygen in your nose. Any other questions?”
