Page 87 of Dating Plans

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Two days before Thanksgiving, Detective Robertson called Brenda and asked if he could stop by in the evening.


Afraid the detective’s visit might affect Mia’s health and recovery, she immediately notified Matt who came right over.

“The detective will be here in a few minutes. Mia, if you don’t want to see him, stay in your room.”

Mia shrugged. “Mom, I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m not worried.”

“That’s my girl.” Matt hugged her.

The detective shook hands with the three of them.

“This is going to be brief. Our investigation revealed that many students at your high school used drugs.” He paused, scrutinizing Mia’s gauze-covered face. “The principal, students, and parents were notified and attended a meeting. Several were charged as juveniles and will perform community service duties as part of their rehab. Mia Clark, our investigation revealed no-wrong doing on your part.”

Brenda sighed, but Mia held the detective’s gaze. “I told you the truth when I could hardly speak.”

“I know. Thank you. I understand you haven’t been back to school yet?”

“No. I’m not strong enough to spend a whole day in class, and I still have to undergo more surgery.”

“Good luck with that, Mia. I wish you the best.”

He walked to the door, then turned and signaled to Brenda. She joined him outside, and Matt followed.

“A little advice, Dr. Hammer. Your daughter is a good kid who’s suffered a great deal because of her classmates. If she doesn’t want to go back to school, I wouldn’t force her. Some people may resent her for not being part of their team.”

Brenda exchanged a look with Matt. Had he understood the detective’s hidden meaning?

“It all depends on her health. Thank you, Detective Robertson.”

“After the facial reconstruction surgery, she’ll have to go through more therapy,” Matt declared. “I don’t think she’ll be able to return to school this year.”

They celebrated Thanksgiving in Matt’s condo with Royce, Susan, Cody, and his family. Wearing new outfits to celebrate the occasion, Brenda helped her daughter hold back her hair with a rhinestone barrette, but Brenda often noticed Mia patting the gauze hiding her features.

Royce volunteered to cook the turkey. Susan prepared her special shrimp and the exotic noodles Matt loved. Brenda brought the traditional sweet potatoes and green beans, and Cindy Cramer was in charge of baking pecan pies for dessert. They had a fabulous dinner and a fun time together.

“Matt, when can you operate on Mia?” Brenda asked the day after Thanksgiving.

“Bring her to the clinic tomorrow for a general examination.”

Except for the bandages on her nose and jaw, Mia had regained her normal health.

“You’re ready for surgery, Mia. Bear in mind, you’ll need an overnight stay at the hospital, and a week at home for recovery.” Matt explained the procedure and aftercare. “The internal dressings will remain in place for about a week after surgery, and I’ll tape a splint to your nose for protection and support. It’s usually in place for about a week as well. You’ll have some swelling, but you’ll be able to resume your regular life—no strenuous activities for several weeks.”

Mia asked to have the surgery performed after she finished her term exams.

“How about the day after Christmas?”

“That would be a good time. Dad will be here for a week at Christmas.”

She passed her online exams with flying colors and celebrated her seventeenth birthday with Cody around.

The day after Tyron’s arrival, Matt took Brenda aside while Mia and her dad were chatting in the guestroom. With a mysterious smile and an intense gaze, he handed her an envelope.

“What’s that?”
