Page 10 of Wedding Plans

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Chapter Three

Emerging from a deep slumber, Sienna grimaced. Her head hurt. Her belly hurt. Her back hurt. Why was there so much pain? Where was she? Where was Dalia?

As usual, concern for her daughter snapped her out of her daze. She opened her eyes. Reality sank in at the sight of the IV line in her arm. She was in the hospital. Had she had surgery already? She glanced at her side and smiled.

Next to her, Dalia slept on a stretcher, a pink teddy in her arms.

Sienna relaxed and shut her eyes, only to open them at the strange sound of heavy breathing. Moving her head slightly, she discovered the tall man sprawled in a chair at the foot of her bed.

Dr. Kent? What was he doing here?

He’d told her he was on his way to get married. She’d tortured herself for delaying him on such an important day. And yet, he was here, in scrubs, a dark strand of hair covering his left eye, his chiseled jaw and beard stubble lending maturity to his boyish face.

Dalia kicked off her covers and thrust her arm against the stretcher rail, the clang against the metal ever so light, yet enough to awake the doctor and bring him to attention. He opened his eyes, peered at Dalia and straightened. Taking two steps forward, he covered her.

Sienna’s heart melted. What a generous and kind-hearted person. For a second, she envied the woman he’d married. The lucky bride must match her gorgeous groom in kindness if she’d allowed him to check on a patient right after their wedding. Maybe she was in the waiting room, counting the minutes before he returned to her for their wedding night and honeymoon.

“You’re awake.”

She nodded. “Did you bring Dalia here?”

He chuckled. “I couldn’t keep her away. She wanted to sleep with her mommy. I convinced the nurse to bring in a stretcher.”

“And the teddy?”

He smiled, his chocolate brown eyes sparkling with glee.

“It was love at first sight. Let me call the nurse.” He pressed the call button.

“Why are you here?” Shouldn’t he be doing something else?

“I came to check on you and stay with Dalia.”

“That’s awfully nice, but ... leaving your bride right after the wedding to check on a patient is ... is ...” She swallowed the wordoutrageous.

He lost his smile, and a frown wrinkled his forehead.

“There’s no bride. The wedding was cancelled.”

Startled, she gasped. “Oh God, because you were late? Because of me?”

“Nothing to do with you. I’d rather not discuss it.”

“I’m sorry. I understand.” No, she didn’t understand. How could any woman engaged to Dr. Kent let him go?

Sienna’s heart lightened. From the moment she’d met the handsome doctor, things had improved for her and Dalia. She hoped he would continue to bring her good luck, even though it looked as if she’d brought him nothing but bad.

The nurse arrived and checked her vitals. “All good. I’m taking you to Room 310. Dr. Kent, I can’t push two beds.”

He flashed a smile that would have buckled Sienna’s knees if she were standing. “You do your job, and I’ll handle the rest.”

Therestbeing her sleeping angel.

“See you in 310.” He grabbed the rails and pushed Dalia’s stretcher out of Recovery.

By the time the nurse wheeled her bed to the third floor, Tyler was waiting in the hallway. He allowed them to go in first. The nurse parked her bed in its slot, adjusted the IV pole, and checked the tubes reaching her arm.

“You’re all set. This is a semi-private room, but we’re not too busy tonight. I don’t think the second bed will be occupied.”
