Page 16 of Wedding Plans

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Chapter Five

At the supermarket, Tyler sat Dalia in the grocery cart. They selected the items Sienna had requested, a few he wanted, and several more Dalia was convinced they needed. Their next stop was the pharmacy where the medications the surgeon had ordered waited. As the clerk packaged the items, Tyler glanced at Dalia, ogling a beautiful doll and not daring to voice her wish. She deserved a reward.

“Do you like that doll, pumpkin?”

Dalia nodded. “She’s so pretty, but Mommy said not to ask for anything.” She sighed.

“You’ve been a very good girl, and you’ve brought me luck,” he mumbled. He offered her the doll.

She reciprocated with a big hug. “You’re so nice, Dr. Kent. Can we go home now? I’m hungry.”

“After all those cookies?”

She nodded.

“I am, too,” he admitted. They could certainly go home, but what was he supposed to feed her tonight? “Do you like Chinese food?”

Her eyes brightened. “I love noodles, and Mommy likes the soup.”

“Great.” He stopped at a Chinese restaurant that offered driv-through service and placed an order.

At home they found Sienna, lying on the living room sofa in a blue sweat suit, matching the color of her gorgeous eyes. An approving smile escaped Tyler. “You’re up and about?” He carried the bags into the kitchen and set them on the counter.

“I was fed up with lying in bed. The pills numbed the pain. I was able to walk a little and get changed.” She made an effort to sit up.

“Don’t move. Dalia will show me where things go.”

Dalia threw her coat on a chair and ran over. “I can do that.”

Sienna resumed her position. “You took longer than I expected.”

“I hope you weren’t worried. I stopped by my apartment and collected my stuff.”

She cocked an eyebrow. “Your stuff?”

“It was a furnished rental. I was supposed to move out and live with...with... Anyway, I didn’t want to spend the coming week there. I’ll sleep in one of the call rooms at the hospital tonight and look for a new place tomorrow.”

She considered him for a few seconds and then bit her lip. “Would I be out of line if I asked you to spend the night here? You can use Dalia’s room. She loves to sleep with me.”

“I don’t want to disturb—”

“You would be helping, not disturbing.”

Not ready to discuss his personal problems, he appreciated her discretion. “If you think so—”

Her smile brightened the room. “Dalia and I would love to have you stay with us.”

“Yes, and look at the pretty doll he bought me, Mommy. I named her Blondie.”

“You’re spoiling her, but thank you.”

“She’s such a good girl. And she was starving a moment ago.” He chuckled. “We should eat before it gets cold. Let me help you to the kitchen.”

She sat up and pushed herself off the sofa, walking the few steps needed.

“We have wanton soup, noodles, beef, and carrots.” He carried plates, silverware, and glasses of water to the table.

Sienna served herself soup and noodles for Dalia.
