Page 18 of Wedding Plans

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“Did your parents suggest an abortion?”

She nodded. “I refused and continued to work for a few months. Then, when I couldn’t travel anymore, I applied for a teacher’s position in a private school. The salary was half what I was making, but the vacation time suited me.”

“What about his parents?”

“He was raised by a single mother. She accepted me with mixed feelings. When she learned I was expecting his baby, she told me I should continue with my life, and she would raise the child. I refused. No one was going to take my baby away from me. She could see her as much as she wanted to, but she would stay with me, her mother.”

“And his mother agreed?”

“More or less.”

“Does she see Dalia?”

“She lives upstate and comes to New York twice a year to see us, once around Christmas and then again during the summer.”

“And what about your parents?”

Her lips pursed, and her expression clouded in anger.

“Mom wanted to meet Dalia. I refused to let her come. I’m still too upset with her and Dad. I haven’t seen them in three years. She calls every now and then, asking if I need anything.”

“She misses you. Can’t you forgive them?”

“No.” Her furious gaze flew to him. “Would you?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t been in your shoes.”

Sienna stirred uneasily and muttered, “Maybe one day I’ll let it go, but not yet.”

“Mommy, are we going to sleep?”

Rubbing her eyes, Dalia sauntered to the sofa, her teddy in one arm, her new doll in the other.

“Go wash your hands and brush your teeth.”

“I did. Help me with my pants.”

Sienna slipped off the child’s pants and shirt. “Put on your pjs and go to my room. I’ll meet you there.” She glanced at Tyler. “Would you mind turning on the fire? I do that every night. It helps me relax. I’ll be back.” She stood gingerly and followed Dalia to her bedroom.

He flipped the switch on the gas fireplace as requested and sat back to check his phone. There was a new text from Beverly.

How could you do this to me? You came and removed your stuff during the half hour I left to buy dinner. You didn’t even wait for me to have an honest conversation. Are you afraid to face me? To melt into my arms? I will always love you.

No, she would always love the status and money he would’ve provided with his profession.

Another text followed.

The janitor said he caught a glimpse of you running out with a little girl. Who is she? Where did you get her? Where is the mother? Have you been cheating on me?

Typical Beverly, attacking with all claws out.

Ignoring her, he searched the Internet forapartments for rentin an upscale neighborhood, not far from the hospital. He checked several on line and called a real estate agent.

“I’m looking for something available right away—furnished or unfurnished.”

She gave him an appointment for the next day. She would pick him up at Sienna’s house and drive him around to show him several empty places. Having finished that chore, he tiptoed to Dalia’s room, his room for the night, and changed into his sweatpants and a t-shirt. When he returned to the living room, Sienna was on the sofa, staring at the fire.

“Dalia fell asleep right away.”
