Page 2 of Wedding Plans

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He hated when she called him that. He glanced at the child huddled against the door and huffed.

“I’m running late.”

“What? You better be there in five minutes.”

“Something came up, a patient who needs me. I’ll see you in fifteen minutes.”Hopefully. More like thirty, considering the situation and traffic. “Love you,” he added to soothe her and ended the connection before she could scream at him.

A bald, heavy-set man with a thick beard approached them.

“I’m the manager, Tom Gravy. What have we got here?” He grabbed the girl’s shoulder and lifted her off the floor.

Her eyes widened with fear. “No touch, you mean man,” she screeched, pouted, and scrambled near Tyler. “Help me, please. I want Mommy.” Tears rolled on her cheeks.

“Don’t worry, pumpkin.” He smiled to reassure her. “I’ll take you to your mommy.”

“Yes, please.”

He stooped to her level. “You have to tell me your name so that I can call your mommy and tell her to come.”

“Okay.” She put a hand on her mouth and whispered, “Dalia.”

“Very good. Now we can call your mommy. Do you have a mic?” he asked the manager.

“Yes, sir.”

“Call for Dalia’s mother to come to the reception desk.”

“We’ll do.” Soon they heard. “Dalia’s mother, can you come to the reception desk. Dalia’s mother...” The message was repeated several times.

A few minutes later, the restaurant manager returned.

“Good news.” He smiled at the child. “Dalia, your mom is waiting at the reception desk.”

Tyler exhaled gratefully. “You heard that, Dalia? Mommy is waiting for you. Let’s go and find her.”

“Okay.” Afraid to take her hand and see her recoil, Tyler walked beside her, never letting her stray too far from his sight.

As they approached the desk, a blonde woman turned, her face pale. She gasped and ran toward them.

“Mommy,” Dalia squealed and hurried into the woman’s open arms.

Tears flowing along her cheeks, the young woman hugged her daughter and picked her up, wincing as if in pain. “Oh my baby, I was so scared. Why did you leave?”

“Mommy, I looked for a door. There was no door in there.”

“They were wide opened. It’s okay baby. It’s okay.” The young woman kept covering Dalia’s face with kisses.

“Well, glad you found your mommy, Dalia,” Tyler said with a smile.

“Thank you so much for watching her. I was terrified. There are two other doors. I even went outside and walked around the building.”

“She was sitting on the floor against the restaurant door.” Tyler pointed at the place where Dalia had been waiting. “Once I realized she was on her own, I couldn’t leave here.”

“On the floor? No wonder I didn’t see her.” She set Dalia on her feet and held out her hand. “Thank you so much. I’m Sienna Perino.”

“Dr. Tyler Kent.” They shook hands. “Let’s get out of the way.” He headed toward the wall. Sienna and Dalia followed him. “Were you having dinner here?”

“No, I was shopping in the plaza, but had to use the restroom. We entered here. I wasn’t feeling well.” She rubbed her stomach.
