Page 24 of Wedding Plans

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“Glad to see your memory is back,” she scoffed, slowly undoing the tiny golden buttons of her dress down to mid-chest, revealing her generous cleavage. She studied him, her lips twitching.

“Nothing’s wrong with my memory.” He forced himself to focus on the way she wielded her favorite weapon and was relieved when the view of her magnificent boobs had no effect on him.

The waitress brought their drinks.

He raised his glass. “To the future.”

“To our happy future,” she specified and clinked her glass against his.

He took a sip. “Beverly, it’s better to say to our happy freedom. There’s no future for us.Myfuture no longer includesyou,” he stated firmly, pronouncing every word clearly so as to avoid any misunderstanding. “I wish you a happy future of your own.”

She stopped smiling. “You can’t be serious.”

“Extremely serious. I’ve spent the last two days analyzing our relationship, and I’ve come to the conclusion that the elements needed for a lasting marriage are sorely lacking.”

“That’s not true.” She banged her fist on the table, attracting the diners’ attention. “We love each other, and we have great sex, incredible sex.”

Strangled guffaws emanated from the neighboring tables, but Tyler couldn’t care less. “As far as I’m concerned, whatever love or lust we had is gone, killed by your slap.”

“For heaven’s sake, you’re not going to complain about that for the rest of our lives, are you? It was just the instinctive reaction of a very upset jilted bride.”

The waitress brought their steaks, and he attacked his with gusto, preferring to eat before Beverly managed to ruin his appetite with her whining attacks.

“Let’s enjoy our dinner and then go home for a lavish reconciliation,” she spoke softly and winked.

It was her reference to alavish reconciliationthat put him on his guard.

He shrugged. “Beverly, it’s not only forgotten along with the past year, it’s over. Accept it and move on.”

“I can’t believe you mean it. Look at me, Tyler.” She opened her hands and jiggled her breasts. “I belong to you, my love. For better or worse. You can’t forget our wonderful nights together.”

Damn it, she wouldn’t give up. Should he explain what he now saw as key to a lasting, loving marriage? Understanding, generosity, dedication, all wrapped up in a layer of kindness, and love... a love that gave rather than demanded.

The waitress set two plates of chocolate cake in front of them.

“Dessert comes with this entrée.”

“Thank you.” He hoped the sweet treat would soothe his companion’s disposition. “Beverly, I’ve made up my mind. You left me at City Hall, and it’s over. Let’s make it a clean break.”

“I gave you a year of my life, of my youth, of my love.”

“Don’t be melodramatic. You’ve already withdrawn five grand from the joint account.”

“I’ll get the rest soon,” she snarled. “By the way, where’s my ring?”

“The account is closed, and the ring returned.”

“How dare you? You jerk, bastard. You’ve deprived me of my future at your side, of my dream house.”

Oh yes, her future with money and status as a cardiologist’s wife.

Furious, he attacked his cake and ate it.

She followed suit, spearing at it, and eating with a vengeance. She stopped suddenly and grabbed her throat, gasping for air.

“Huh... ha...Ty...Ty...” Her jaw sagged, her eyes opened wide, and her mouth twisted in fear.

Oh, Lord! He recognized the signs of an anaphylactic reaction.
