Page 36 of Wedding Plans

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“It can be a dangerous game.”

“I’ll be careful.”

His eyes searched her face, reaching into her mind, and his smile widened, sending her pulse racing.

Silence filled the living room. They contemplated the flames, each lost in their own thoughts, and she reveled in the warmth of the fire and this new closeness. Would he avoid dating and follow her advice? Would their budding friendship be sufficient for this attractive doctor?

“Tell me, Sienna, you mentioned Dalia’s dad died before she was born. Have you dated since?”

Startled, she turned toward him and shook her head. “No. No dates.”

“A beautiful woman like you?” His gaze narrowed. “That’s hard to believe.”

She shrugged. “I haven’t met anyone I would’ve considered dating.”

He bent forward, his elbows on his knees, his chin resting on his hands, and arched his eyebrows. “Haven’t you missed the ... feeling?”

“What do you mean?” Her mind fluttered away in anxiety.

Tilting his head, he peered into her eyes. “Loneliness is sad.”

A soft gasp escaped her. “I know, but Dalia helps.”

“You’ve given me great advice. I’ll follow it, and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Sienna, if you ever need anything...”

She nodded. “Thank you.”

He stood, stretched his arms and hid a yawn behind his hand. “I better hit the sack. Goodnight.”

She got up and switched off the fireplace, ready to follow him.

He took a few steps into the hallway and paused. “I’m your guest for the moment, but if you need a friend, remember I’m available and ready to listen and help.”

Her lips parted in surprise. What the hell did he mean by that?

That question and others swirled in Sienna’s mind as she lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling, her sleeping angel by her side.

Was that an invitation? An offer due to attraction? Or damn it, maybe only pity for her loneliness? Was he feeling restricted to aguest’s good behavior? Was he throwing the ball in her court with acome to me babe, and I’ll show you a good time?

Jumping from one assumption to another, her heart roiled with mixed emotions. Annoyed and dejected, she tossed and turned, hugging her pillow. Could she believe in a happy future with a special man by her side? Could she risk torturing herself that way again?

She had experienced love and cherished the wonderful memories of being in a loving man’s arms. Her eyes filled with tears as images from the past danced behind her closed lids—John holding her against him, kissing her, covering her body with brazen kisses ... John laughing with her, holding her hand, promising no one would ever separate them.

Bullets and death had separated them forever. Her tears morphed into sobs she tried to muffle against her pillow.

“Sienna?” A husky voice whispered next to her ear.


Tyler had heard the faint sobs and had jumped out of bed. “Sienna, are you in pain?”

Startled, she shook her head.

“Did you take your medicine?”

She sniffled. “Yes. I’m good.” Her wobbly voice betrayed her.

“Ah, then it must be...” He stopped short. Their previous exchange must have triggered painful memories. Guilt gnawing at him for questioning her about dates, he caressed her hair. “I’m sorry I blabbered like a thoughtless idiot and stirred up misery for you. Come, sit in the living room with me for a moment. Let me try to repair the damage I’ve caused.”
