Page 38 of Wedding Plans

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“I’m on call and will probably be spending the night at the hospital.”

He was on call for the whole week, but could leave the premises as long as he stayed within fifteen miles. But the temptation of being with her might prove too hard on him tonight, and he preferred to give Sienna—and himself—space to sort out their emotions.

“I’ll take a break in the late afternoon and pick up Dalia as promised.”

“Don’t worry about us. I can pick her up.”

“Not yet, Sienna. Maybe tomorrow.”

For him, the day proceeded as planned, easy and boring. He did his rounds, attended a staff meeting, had lunch with two female doctors, and picked up Dalia at five o’clock. The little girl knew how to brighten his day with her babbling and giggling.

“When can we buy my Santa and the Christmas lights?”

He checked his watch. “Right away, pumpkin.” He didn’t want her to resent his absence tonight and keep waiting for him.

“Cool,” she squealed.

At the store, he let her choose the lights, the Santa Claus doll, an angel statuette, and a star for the tree.

“Are you sure these are good lights?”

“Yes, pumpkin. See...” He tested the sets to prove his point, and Dalia clapped her hands.

“Let’s go home and show them to Mommy.”

Sienna hugged her daughter and declared herself delighted with their purchases.

“Are you staying for dinner?” she asked softly, her gaze hopeful. “I made meatless lasagna. It’s easy for me to digest.”

How could he resist such a charming invitation? “Let me check with Bea.”

He called the receptionist and was reassured no patient needed him right away. He ended the call and smiled. “I can afford half an hour here.”

“The food’s ready. Dalia, go wash your hands.”

Sienna brought her plate and Dalia’s to the table while Tyler helped himself to a generous portion before joining her.

“It’s delicious. How are you feeling today? Any pain when you got back?”

“Some. I took a Tylenol and lay down for a couple of hours. I’m good now. The principal was quite understanding. She said I can stay on sick leave for the rest of the week and return to school next week for exams.”

“Perfect. That’s reassuring. Especially with the forecast calling for snow tonight and tomorrow.”

“How was your day?” She fidgeted with her fork and her eyes sparkled with hope—or worry—he couldn’t tell.

He shrugged. “The usual—rounds, meetings, and lunch. Nothing exciting.”

“No nurse joined you today?” Her forced chuckle didn’t fool him. If she was worried, maybe even a little bit jealous, it might mean...

“No nurse today, but two doctors, Ella Bonair and Pravinda Chondra. We discussed cases.”

She seemed to relax, and he breathed easier.

He finished his food. “Thanks for dinner. I’d better get back to the hospital before the snow starts.”

Dalia lifted her arms toward him. He reached for her and hugged her.

“I told Santa about my Christmas wish,” she whispered. “I think he said yes.”
