Page 47 of Wedding Plans

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“It’s Doc. Mommy, Doc is here.”

Her daughter ran to the door and opened it. Sienna’s heart squeezed at the sight of his handsome, smiling face.

He scooped up Dalia and hugged her. “Missed you so much, pumpkin.”

Her little hands cradled his face. “Me, too. I missed you so much. Now you’re here. Now you’re going to stay. Right, Doc?”

“Right, sweetie-pie.” He grinned.

Wrong, Dr. Kent. Now you go to hell or to your Bev, and leave us in peace.

Irked by his easy-going manners, Sienna remained on the sofa.

“Can we do the Christmas tree now?” Dalia asked.

“Sure. As soon as I have a bite.” He set the little girl on her feet. “First, let me see your mommy.” He unzipped his coat, flung it onto the back of a chair, and came to her, leaning over her, all doctor again. The role suited him. It gave him an importance and the appearance of generosity even when he was being a jerk.

“Hi Sienna, I’m sorry you’re not feeling well again. Is the pain at the site of the incision or all over your belly?”

“There’s nothing wrong with my belly. You don’t have to worry about me,” she retorted, unable to suppress her irritation any longer.

He straightened and frowned down at her. “Am I missing something?” He grimaced, his hand going to his own stomach.

“When was the last time you ate?”

He tilted his head, his frown intensifying.

“Yesterday, I had an early dinner with Dr. Ella. She went on and on with stories about her adorable grandson. I cut my meal short and ran away to do my rounds.”

Despite her heartache, Sienna couldn’t help chuckling and stood. She couldn’t deprive him of food, just because he’d spent the night with his ex-girlfriend.

Swallowing her frustration—or the inappropriate jealousy choking her—she smiled.

“I made pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and corn. How does that sound?”

“Great,” he answered, grinning.

Poor guy, his stomach must be torturing him. Why hadn’t that b... fed him?

On the other hand, he deserved to suffer. He couldn’t have it both ways—visiting her and Dalia when he craved family life and a good meal, and then spending the night with his troll when he wanted sex.

Sienna’s lips twitched in disgust as she stirred the gravy in the crock pot. Had he been attracted to her, they could’ve shared passion of their own. But he wasn’t, and she refused to substitute for his damned ex.

“Careful, you’re splashing the gravy.”

She huffed and turned off the switch. “Help yourself. Dalia, come and have dinner.”

She cut up her daughter’s meat into small pieces, added carrots and corn to the plate, then helped herself to some of the tender roast and potatoes.

Ravenous, Tyler ate like a starved wolf, and Dalia did her best to finish her plate quickly. Sienna stared at her meal and spared him furtive glances, blaming herself for her gullibility and cursing his former girlfriend to hell and back.

Last night, she’d spent hours crying over her lost dream. Comparing him to John had been criminal. John had never cheated on her. Theoretically, neither had Tyler, considering there hadn’t been anything between them, not even a meager kiss, but still...

“You’re not eating much,” Tyler said between mouthfuls.

Restless and irritated, she clanked her fork on her plate. “I’m not very hungry. You finish. I’m taking some Tylenol and resting on the sofa.”

“That’s not good.” He shook his head with concern. “I should examine you.”
