Page 6 of Wedding Plans

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“This way, take a left, at the end of the corridor,” the curious clerk answered.

Without another glance at his bride sobbing her way to the door, Tyler strode to the men’s room. Once inside, he looked at the mirror and gasped at the red imprint and bloody scratches on his face. With a wet tissue, he cleaned the area and shut his eyes, suddenly relieved that she’d called off the wedding by leaving.

What had he been thinking? It wasn’t the first time Beverly had blown up at him for being late. Actually, they had a shouting match almost once a week, always followed by a passionate reconciliation—but she’d never lost control the way she had today. Granted, it was his fault for being late, but he’d suggested postponing the wedding until tomorrow. She hadn’t bothered answering him.

During the time they’d been together, she’d been a fabulous lover, delightful and pleasurable, always ready for lush sex and loud orgasms. When she’d suggested they tie the knot, he’d nodded. Had they rushed into this? Was it too late to reconsider? Maybe he wasn’t ready to marry yet. He had a lot of thinking to do.

With Beverly, sex would be great, but the rest of his life would be hell. How long could he cope with her temper tantrums and her brazen reconciliations? What he’d mistaken for love might be nothing more than common lust. He glanced in the mirror. The top of his cheek was turning mauve. Frankly he was tired of Beverly’s storms and curves. The slap had been a rude awakening and the last straw.

Sienna’s lovely face popped into his mind, along with her sweet voice and gentle manners. Had she had her surgery yet?

He left the men’s room and noticed an exit door at the end of the corridor.

“Where does that door lead?” he asked a passing employee.

“To the staff parking lot. You can use it.”

“Thank you.” He didn’t hesitate. Once outside, he walked around the building to his car.

Surprisingly, Beverly’s brother’s car was still parked in its spot. Was she waiting for him to come back to her, apologize and make up as he’d so often done in the past?

Of course, she would magnanimously forgive and forget—until the next argument. Too bad. Not this time. The stinging slap had awakened him to the unpleasant future awaiting him with her...just in time before he stumbled into an unforgivable mistake.


Without hesitation, Tyler drove to St. Jude Hospital. Stepping into the ER, he went to the desk, identified himself, and inquired about Sienna Perino. The desk nurse informed him that the ER attending physician had examined her, run tests, and had ordered an ultrasound. Once he’d seen the results, he’d requested an immediate appendectomy.

“She’s prepped and on her way to the OR,” the nurse added.

“What about her daughter?” Dalia would be upset. The poor kid had been through a lot today.

“The little one has been with her most of the time. They’ll keep her in the waiting room and have someone watch her.”

“Thank you.”

He hurried to the elevator and up to the second floor. The doors opened. A nurse rolled a stretcher down the hallway. Dalia walked beside it, holding her mommy’s hand.

“Wait,” he called and sprinted over to them.

The nurse stopped and Dalia smiled. “You came back? Mommy’s sleeping.”

Sienna turned her head and opened glazed eyes. “You’re here? Thank you ... Surgery now ... Appendix swollen ... Leaking.”

He hid his concern behind a smile. “Good luck. I’ll wait with Dalia.”

“Yes... Thank you so...” Her eyes closed.

Tyler faced the nurse. “I’m Dr. Tyler Kent, a friend. I’ll take care of her daughter. We’ll see you in Recovery in an hour.” He smiled down at Dalia. “The doctor will remove Mommy’s booboo. You can’t go with her. Would you like to come with me and have something good to eat instead of waiting at the door?”

“Okay. You nice.” She grabbed his hand. “Let’s go. I’m hungry.”

On their way to the cafeteria, they passed the gift boutique. Dalia stopped short, gazing at a pink teddy bear in the window.

“He’s so cute,” she said and sighed wistfully.

Tyler didn’t hesitate. Dalia had been through enough today. If a pink bear made her feel better, so be it. He stepped inside the boutique, bought the toy, and handed it to her without a word.

Her eyes rounded. “For me?”
