Page 22 of Kissing Plans

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“Can I kiss you?” he blurted.

“Yes.” She smiled.

He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her onto his lap. Holding her close he slanted his mouth over hers for a searing kiss. His tongue darted inside her mouth, tasting, playing and dancing with hers. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she returned kiss for kiss and stroke for stroke.

Max rumbled, alerting them to an unwanted presence in the park.

Royce straightened, pulling her up with him. “We have to go.” He pressed her against his hard frame, tasting and devouring her lips and tongue, and then covering her face with soft kisses. “You see, you haven’t pushed me away.”

“Ah Royce, why did we live so long without sharing this.”

“I promise we’ll make up for the wasted time.”

“I’m not free to—”

“You were not free back then, and I made a promise to my father I had to keep. But now we’re working on freeing you for good.” He clasped the leash on Max’s collar, and together they walked toward the park entrance, Susan at his side, his arm around her waist. “You gave him a car, which is very generous on your part. I’m sure he’ll use it not only to look for a job, but to seek some entertainment.”

She shrugged. “I couldn’t care less.” She paused for a second and darted him a look. “Royce, I’ve been away for three years. Did you have any girlfriends?”

Taken aback by the question, he cleared his throat. “Three years is a long time. I—”

“I shouldn’t ask such a silly question. Of course you did, especially after five years of difficult fasting.”

“Truthfully, my five years of abstinence were difficult only because I wanted you and couldn’t have you.”

“No way?”

He felt her shiver against him and squeezed her.

“The last three years, I’ve dated but couldn’t find any woman who kept my interest. I moved from one to the other without regret or particular enthusiasm. There were periods of time when I was too busy working to care about anybody by my side.” He shrugged.

“And now? Is there anyone lurking in the shadows that my sudden appearance would upset?”

“Yes. She’s a nurse named Tracy. She trained in my father’s clinic before working at St. Lucy Hospital. I should’ve called her today to apologize and explain I won’t be able to see her again. I’ve been so busy I’ve totally forgotten.”

“Poor Tracy, if you kissed her the way you kissed me, then forgot about her, and now plan to give her the boot, I feel sorry for her.”

“Don’t.” Breaking with Tracy might prove difficult. She was the clinging type. “I’ve taken her out a few times and realized it wasn’t working.” He inhaled and exhaled. “She threw a big scene when I told her I wasn’t ready for commitment, and I wanted a clean break earlier.”

They reached her house and entered the backyard. He let Max into the kitchen, but sat next to Susan on the swing.

“Is this Tracy…out of the picture now?” Her voice broke slightly.

He hesitated, measuring her for a few seconds. “It was my bad luck to meet her again a month ago at a friend’s place. She invited me to her birthday party and then another outing followed by a friend’s engagement, and so on. I’ll send her a text tomorrow.” He huffed at the dreaded task.

“Is that how you dismiss your girlfriends? A few-line text?” Her face clouded with annoyance.

“No, I’m not that callous. I usually take the lady to dinner, kiss her goodnight, and say I’ll be too busy with work to see her again.” He regarded her pensively and then chuckled. “Now you know all my secrets.”

There was a worried shimmer in her eyes. “I won’t have trouble understanding when I’m not wanted anymore.” Bitterness sharpened her tone.

“Don’t be silly.” He sobered and cupped her face. “You’re not a simple date or a girlfriend. You’re my best friend, the woman I’ve cherished for years and couldn’t forget.” He brought her against him, holding her tight. “Susan, you’re too precious to me to risk losing you, now that I’ve finally found you.”

She sighed and caressed his cheek. “Royce, I’m happy in your arms.”

“Sweet Susan.” He grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers one by one.

“What happened before I returned to Cincinnati doesn’t count in my book, but if you cheat on me like the other sleazes in my life, I’ll never forgive you.” Her voice wobbled with emotion.

“I’m yours forever.” He gave her a scorching kiss that left them both breathless. “Never doubt our feelings for each other. Promise?”

“Promise.” Her radiant smile brightened his heart.

“You’re starting a new job. You’ll have a brilliant career. Kick any negative thoughts out of your mind and enjoy your days at UC. Now, have a good night sleep and think about us.”

She threw her arms around his neck and buried her head in the crook of his shoulder. “I love you, Royce.” She crushed her mouth on his, and pulled back right away to run into the house.

She loved him.

Oh man… She said she loved him. Forgetting her natural restrain, she’d acted on impulse and initiated their kiss. He watched her go inside, an incredulous silly smile stretching his lips.
