Page 32 of Kissing Plans

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Chapter Ten

Her heart heavy, Susan fingered her engagement necklace and read Kasem’s email for the tenth time.

Great news. I found a job and started today. Last night Royce took me to celebrate at his favorite bar. You wouldn’t believe the number of women eager to fall into his arms. Amy, Lyla, and Maddy to name a few. He introduced me to all. So many toasts, hugs and kisses. Also Tracy, a late-arrival, a stunning blonde. We’ll go back soon to spend more time with her. Difficult to imagine the man married a few weeks ago. Maybe we should get together soon. You’re still my fiancée, the number one in my heart, and I’ve been loyal to you.

After lavishing her with passionate kisses and love words, and promising faithfulness, devotion and support, Royce had fallen back into his womanizing ways...a few hours later.

Swallowing her tears, she’d read his short texts, claiming he was busy. An easy way out of explaining or relating details about his night at the bar. Squaring her shoulders, she’d plastered a smile on her face and put on a brave front to attend two meetings, yet she couldn’t stop seething at his betrayal. By the evening, she’d worked herself into despair and didn’t return his call.

With a big effort she texted Kasem, briefly congratulated him on his new job, adding she was ultra-busy at work for now. He didn’t insist.

At home, she found her mother setting a beautiful table. “Joe is coming for dinner.”

“Not again.”

Joe was coming for dinner way too often.Being at work all day with her boss and coping with his presence at home added stress to her rattled nerves. “Mae, you should let me know in advance when you’re inviting Dean Tristan for dinner.”

Radiating a serene beauty in a traditional Thaisinh—a long brown and orange, tube-style skirt, with a band of embroidery at the bottom, and a long-sleeved collarless blouse—a wide golden necklace around her neck, her mother spun toward her.

“What’s wrong with you today? You told me to make myself at home here. If you don’t want me to invite him toyourhouse, I won’t.” Her eyebrows crunched, Mae looked upset.

“I’m sorry, Mae.” Regretting her rude comment, Susan retracted it right away. She went to her mother and wrapped her arms around her, hugging her tightly. “You should make yourself at home and invite anyone you want here any time. I was just surprised, that’s all, and yes, I had a bad day.” Bummer, it felt like she had no privacy anymore. “Please, Mae, don’t tell your friend Joe about it. Remember, he’s my boss.”

“Calm down. We don’t talk about you; we have other things to discuss. Now, go change for dinner.”

Repressing a sigh, Susan headed to her room. Knowing Dean Tristan enjoyed her country’s local costumes, she slipped into a red and blacksinh, adorned her neck and arms with golden jewelry, and undid her bun, shaking her hair down her back. As usual when not at work, she dabbed her throat with gardenia perfume.

At seven o’clock sharp, the doorbell rang, and Mae opened the door. Susan lingered in her room a few more minutes, giving her mother time to greet her friend any way she wanted. Although her mother had spent forty years in Bangkok as a faithful, loving wife, she’d reverted to her American upbringing, and behaved like a free woman with the right to befriend a single man. Her brothers certainly wouldn’t approve, but Susan refused to judge her mother.

When she heard Dean Tristan settling down in the living room, Susan came out to welcome him. Smiling, he stood and complimented her on her gorgeous outfit as he’d already done with her mother.

“Mae, stay with Dr. Tristan. I’ll warm the food and bring it to the table.” She couldn’t wait to rush to the kitchen.

Since everything had gone wrong today, she hoped she wouldn’t burn the food her mother had prepared. Thankfully, no mishaps occurred, although her phone vibrated twice inside her pocket. Ignoring the calls, no doubt from Royce, she carried in the big bowl filled with chicken curry, a platter with fried rice, a palm and artichoke salad, and set them on the table.

A third call annoyed the hell out of her. Both Mae and the dean glanced at her, but she ignored their curious looks just as she did the calls.

Silently cursing Royce, Kasem, her brothers, and all men in general, Susan savored her food. It was delicious as usual, which made up for her lousy mood. Besides, her mother and her boss never ran out of conversation as if they’d known each other for years.

Mae touched her hand to get her attention. “Susan, Joe’s talking to you.”

He was? Susan tossed him a questioning look. “Sorry, you were saying…”

“I heard you’re engaged. When are we going to meet the lucky fiancé?”

The food stuck in her throat. Susan choked and coughed.

The lucky bastard? Which one?

The doorbell chimed, followed by two strong knocks that couldn’t be ignored.

Grateful, Susan bounced off her chair. “I’ll get the door.”

“I wonder who’s coming to visit at this time.” Mae’s eyes narrowed. “Are you expecting someone?”


“Maybe it’s the loving fiancé,” Dean Tristan suggested.
