Page 33 of Kissing Plans

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Bummer, it had better not be Kasem. She was in no mood for his pompous stories.

She opened the door and gasped. “What the hell are you doing here?”

Throwing an arm around her waist, Royce pulled her out and shut the door behind her. “I’m worried sick about you. Why aren’t you answering my calls?”

“You want to know why?” she fumed. “You said you love me, and promised to behave. Two hours later, you’re in a bar, kissing every woman you know. I’m not leaving one cheating man for another. Go to hell, Royce Winston.”

Flattening her palms against his chest, she tried to push him away, but he held her firmly.

“What are you talking about? I’ve never cheated on you, never kissed any women, never—”

“Spare me your lies. Kasem sent me an email, telling me all about your night at the bar.”

“That sleaze. I’ll kill him.”

“So, it’s true.” Tears tickled her eyes. He hadn’t even bothered to deny it.

“No! It’s a bunch of lies.”

“Lies? Amy, Lyla, and Maddy weren’t at the bar?”

“Yes, they were, but I never—”

“They were all over you, kissing you.”

“They tried to, but—”

“But what, Royce? Do I have to repeat every filthy detail to get you to admit it?” A faint thread of hysteria shook her voice.

“Susan, for heaven’s sake, listen to me. They tried to kiss me, but I deflected their moves and just hugged them. You have to trust me.”

Trust him? Did he take her for an idiot, a naïve, young girl to kiss when it pleased him, and to ignore when more experienced lovers tempted him? A war of emotions raged within her.

“How about Tracy? You said you broke up with her. Yet she went to the bar to meet you.”

“Yes, I broke it off with her a week ago. She didn’t come to meet me. It was a coincidence that she was there. Had we not been celebrating Kasem’s new job, I wouldn’t have gone there.”

She scoffed, trying to mask her inner turmoil, her deep disappointment, her need to cry and collapse in his arms.

“Some coincidences are so convenient, right? Especially if you’re going back to that bar soon.”

“Susan, you have to believe me. You have to trust me.”

He pulled her against him and caressed her hair. For a few seconds, she reveled having his sturdy chest against hers and his solid arms around her.

“I’m not going to that bar ever again. I told Kasem to go alone. He knows the way. I went because of him, because of you, to help your cause—”

Outraged, she jumped back. “So now it’s my fault that you kissed all those women?”

His eyes narrowed. “The only thing that’s your fault is your refusal to trust me.”

“That’s it. I don’t want to see you anymore.”

She punched his chest and took advantage of his shock to get away and open the door.

He slid his foot inside the doorway and slipped inside behind her.

“No way you’re getting rid of me that easily. I love you too much to give you up.”
